Long hours on ice-covered roads coupled with continual concentration seeped deeply into our bodies. After nearly 30 tanks of diesel and 10 days of white wonderlands, we neared the end of our Arctic journey, completing the 2020 Alcan 5000 Rally. What started as a pipe dream to pilot an old, right-hand-drive diesel deep into the…
Nova Scotia | Overland Routes
Editor’s Note: This article was originally featured in the Spring 2020 issue of Overland Journal As a child, there were a few things I “knew” about what lay beyond the borders of Texas. In the States, the Southeast was a land of sugary sand beaches and muggy afternoons; the Northeast was home to big cities,…
Caught Up in the COVID-19 Crisis in Saudi Arabia
A life on the street, a life in a van—after more than four years in Africa, we thought that nothing and nobody could stop us. But then came coronavirus. Africa We spent 1,561 formative days on the African continent, and every country left its mark—a total of 36 countries, 49 border crossings, and countless roadblocks…
Across the Deserts in Kazakhstan
The world was gray without any visible contours of clouds, making it impossible to see where the horizon separated the earth and the sky. It was a depressing start to our off-road journey across the Aralkum Desert and the Mangystau Plateau to the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan. Driving Around and Across the Aral Sea Our…
Expedition Portal Celebrates 15 Years of Adventure
June 25, 2020 :: Press Release In late June 2005, expeditionportal.com (known as ExPo) went live, serving initially as a community forum, and now as one of the world’s largest online overland resources for the vehicle-based adventure traveler. While the website has grown continually since 2005, growth has accelerated in recent years because of the…
Overland News | Book Reviews
This article was originally published in Overland Journal‘s Summer 2020 issue. Two Wheels South: A Motorcycle Adventure from Brooklyn to Ushuaia By Matias Corea Review by Scott Brady ISBN 978-3899559767 This hardcover volume is a beautiful journey of adventure motorcycling with a thoughtful balance of art, design, and constructive insight. In particular, I appreciated the…
Van-splaining: Take Your Life on the Road
By Rob Putnam As the sun rises over an Arizona skydive drop zone, Tamale Sepp flings open the doors of her nondescript, under-the-radar white van. She inhales the earthy air mingled with scents of grass crushed by jumpers as she begins her day in the cruiser that she recently made her home. In late December,…
Overland Expo Goes Virtual :: Overland News
Overland News: While the Overland Expo West has been delayed to July, the OVEXPO team has stepped up with a virtual event this Saturday. We look forward to seeing what they produce and the exciting content that comes from their new virtual event. Overland Expo West Goes Virtual Virtual Overland Expo West pays tribute to…
Overlanding as a Team
This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Gear 2020 issue. As an instructor for various overlanding skills, I am often asked what the secret is for encouraging an unenthusiastic partner to appreciate the outdoors and how to make the overland experience enjoyable for them. People wonder if the solution may rely somewhat on buying…
The Road Chose Me Volume 2 Book on Kickstarter
After years of working a desk, I realized that life wasn’t making me happy and I needed to make a change. I began dreaming, saving, and planning, and finally quit my job and sold all my stuff. Back in 2009, I wound up driving 40,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina, and I’ve been hopelessly hooked…
Some of The Best Overland Routes In The USA
Each year, our staff members spend months exploring some of the best backroads our planet has to offer, from the red sands of the Simpson Desert to the frozen expanses of Greenland. Along the way we’ve discovered there’s no lack of breathtaking adventures to be had, but believe it or not, some of the best…
The onX Off-Road GPS App Shows You Where to Explore
Knowing Where You Can Legally Overland is Half the Battle There are times that even 36 hours of adventure seems impossible to schedule, the realities of daily life, family, and work responsibilities compounding. Sometimes just a few hours is all we have, or as a side trip during a work obligation. While it will be…
Overland Routes | The Rim Rocker
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal, Summer 2019. Eastern Utah and Western Colorado encompass some of the most beloved off-pavement trails and backcountry terrain in all of North America. Moab, specifically, draws in thousands of visitors each year, stunning them with secluded escapes amidst serene landscapes, but times are changing. Thanks to increases…
The 10 Commandments of Modifying an Overland Vehicle
After a few trips around the world, we have learned several critical lessons (many the hard way) about properly modifying your overland vehicle for adventure travel.
How To Ship Your Vehicle To Europe
The years spent dreaming and planning for this around-the-world adventure were long, filled with research and eager anticipation. But the past month leading up to our launch date was brutally short, and I was swept away by a landslide of logistics: plane tickets, paperwork, hotel reservations, car rentals, deadlines. En masse, the cascade of tasks…
How to Visit British Columbia like a Local
Company Spotlight: Hastings Overland Photography courtesy of Hastings Overland When most people think of a road trip through Canada (British Columbia in particular), they think about wide-open spaces with room to roam all to yourself. While possible, many only follow the well-trodden path en route to well-established hubs such as Vancouver, Victoria, and Whistler, without knowing…
How The Vanlife App Could Change Life on The Road Forever
The open road, a tank full of fuel, and no deadline for a return home; that’s a dream many travelers share. We imagine ourselves roaming the world from the crests of cascading sand dunes to the shores of remote mountain lakes, fulfilled by the vast riches our Earth has to offer and the memories we’re…
Overland for Baja
Photography by Ryan Resatka and Francis Fraioli It’s an expansive tract of land, roughly equivalent in length to the West Coast of the United States, but with countless roads that to this day remain unmapped and infrequently traveled. Like many deserts, it’s a place the earth wants for itself. The sense of isolation and beauty…
Should You Bulk Up for an International Overland Journey?
Recently, I was sharing a cold beverage and stories with a new adventurer friend in Bavaria. Carsten has travelled the world for decades; he’s a wiry, muscular fellow who speaks with the gravelly voice of a man who has rolled his own cigarettes for 30 years. Carsten complained that gaining weight was a struggle since…
Overland Routes | Pacific Crest: California Segment
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal, Summer 2018. What do you envision when you think of California? Shimmering oceans, warm beaches, and a stunning coastline? Perhaps towering redwoods or sparse deserts filled with Joshua trees? You wouldn’t be wrong to think of any of these things, but what if I told…