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Prometheus Design Werx A.G. Wilderness Quilt

The Prometheus Design Werx A.G. Wilderness Quilt for Rooftop Tents

Want to snuggle with your significant other, your dog, or maybe just get under something cozy after a long day? Prometheus Design Werx has just introduced their A.G. Wilderness Quilt, a premium goose-down comforter you can use in your two-person tent, rooftop rig, or for couch-potatoing.   The quilt is like your down comforter at…

South Africa Overland

There are countries within continents which are quite unlike those surrounding them: Uruguay and Turkey are good examples. And South Africa is unique on the African continent. It is a land of extremes: wealth and poverty, desert and tropical coast, cities and wide-open spaces. Yes, it has its challenges, but the crime and political instability…

Overland Expo West Postponed to September 24-26, 2021 

Indianapolis, Indiana — Lodestone Events, producers of the Overland Expo event series, has postponed Overland Expo West to September 24-26, 2021. Traditionally held mid-May in Flagstaff, AZ, Overland Expo West has been postponed to ensure the health and safety of fans, exhibitors, staff, and the surrounding Flagstaff community. “Overland Expo West is our flagship and…

36 Hours of Adventure :: An Origin Story

This 36-Hours of Adventure is Presented by: Origins I remember the first fish I caught, my grandfather smiling as I pulled the heavy (to my six-year-old frame) trout out of the pond. I am not sure how many fish my sister caught, but it was likely several more than me, my reputation as a dubious…

Lumpy Land Roaming

It takes a life-changing experience to change the way we live our lives. This is exactly what happened to our family in 2010 when our youngest daughter, Sephine, at age 4, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. This circumstance quickly became uncharted territory with countless rough roads. Cancer is a perfect combination of…

One for the Road

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Fall 2020 Issue.   Let’s accept that adventure motorcycling means long, unsupported journeys across the world’s developing nations, lately redefined as the Global South. Overlanding is another word for it, as distinct from regular touring vacations or even gnarly domestic adventures that aren’t hard to have…

Overland Across Eurasia by Bus

Article by Martyn Davies “The Overland” From 1957 until 1979 a steady stream of people travelled from Europe to the East. They were a mixed bag seeking a change of lifestyle and a little adventure, including students, artists, Vietnam Vets, and hippies. The road from Europe to India and beyond was called “The Overland” or…

The Great British Road Trip

In mid-July, my husband and I headed north on a Great British road trip. We had no fixed plans: just a desire to climb hills, swim outdoors, and heal the grief and losses of the past six months. Armed for adventure, our ageing T4 bulged with wetsuits, kayaks, and acres of Gore-Tex. We’d even packed…

Between Sea and Mountains: Exploring Québec’s Gaspé Peninsula

Located in Eastern Québec and bordered by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Chaleur Bay, the Gaspé Peninsula (or sometimes simply called “Gaspésie”) is one of Québec’s most popular destinations.   Most travelers will want to make the traditional 885 kilometers loop by driving clockwise or counterclockwise on Route 132. Either direction will take you…

Patrolling the Alpine Loop

Life is a journey. Within the span of a lifetime, epic journeys take many forms, but they all have one thing in common. Some journeys are arduous like the Phoenician Steps, while others are longer and terminate on an abandoned military dirt airstrip near Crook’s Corner, Zimbabwe. Then again, there are those in between, those…

Are you an Overlander or an iOverlander? Or both?

Photography by Graeme Bell, Luisa Bell, Keelan Bell.   Designed to enable access to specific and relevant information, travel apps have become an integral part of the modern overland experience. But, is this an entirely positive development? Are these apps essential? And how have these apps changed the overland travel experience? It is 2010 and…

Guinea Bissau is an Unnoticed Gem on Africa’s West Coast

From Senegal to Guinea Bissau In a small clay hut, behind a crooked, much too low, and visibly worn-out plywood table, Guinea Bissau’s customs officer sits on his white plastic garden chair looking at the carnet. Obviously, he doesn’t know what to do with our vehicle’s customs document lying upside down in front of him….

Saudi Arabia: A Primer

Editor’s Note: This article was previously published but with a major part of the story missing. It has been re-published in its entirety so that you can enjoy the whole story. We apologize for this oversight.   “Americans?” “Yep” “Camels! Coffee! You come!” With a big wave of his arm, and that limited exchange, my…

Searching for Fall in Colorado’s High Country

  The snowstorm on September 8 delivered an unexpected coating of fresh white to Colorado’s high country, and I immediately wondered if there would be any leaves left when I made my way into the mountains. It wouldn’t be the first time that I’d seen fall color thwarted by the state’s fickle weather, but it…