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La Aduana: Two Syncros to See

The Volkswagen van is undoubtedly an iconic automobile by just about any standard. The 60s bus model, while mainly associated with hippies, peace, and a rather questionable plant, helped people all over the world get out on the road and experience the joy of “motor-homing”. It was a cheaper and more practical RV that granted…

Kexby Car Seat Covers

Black vinyl may be a good choice for car seats if you are in the cold and damp of a typical English summer. In the the hot desert sun of the American southwest, it’s not such a good choice. Since we do a lot of exploration in Arizona and Nevada we needed to address the…


Gear Scout: Flexitank

Water. It is arguably the single most important item you can bring for your health and safety on a trip. It regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and cleanses impurities from your system, yet for some reason it is often under-packed or overlooked when planning for an off-road excursion. The fact is that water…