Land Cruising Adventures

Dutch by citizenship, this duo now calls the road home, and those along the route their neighbors. Traveling since 2003, they have covered tens of thousands of miles in their Toyota Land Cruiser BJ45.

VOTD: Scram Africa 2013

This looks difficult, hot, frustrating, dirty, and unbelievably fun. It’s missing a Ural. Maybe ExPo can send a volunteer to fill that void.

VOTD: Grand Trunk Road Preview

When I was elected to the Explorers Club last year, a friend asked me about the club’s benefits. Did I now get discounts on gear? Invitations to join exotic expeditions? Fame and Fortune? Yes of course. Well, not exactly. Um. No. Not really, no. The real reward is meeting extraordinary people from around the world. At a recent symposium on Salt Spring Island BC, I met one such remarkable person. Rupert Grey is currently a solicitor from the UK. He is a former lumberjack, oyster-dragger, cowboy, rough-neck, soldier, and prospector. He is also the great-grandson of former British Prime Minister Earl Grey, (most famous for Earl Grey tea). Rupert is a wonderful man to speak with; full of energy, stories, and a passion to explore the world. An icon of classic british eccentricity in its most endearing form. He mentioned how he recently drove his family’s old and run-down Rolls Royce through India, together with Jan his wife of 36 years, and was hoping to make a film about their journey – he even put together a short film about the trip as a bit of a trailer. He drew inspiration from Kipling’s book Kim, and Kim’s journey along the Grand Trunk Road. I was expecting the trailer to be a hodge-podge of jumpy Go-Pro footage and dodgy sound. instead I was awarded a glimpse of a truly remarkable journey. I can’t wait for the full film.