In this installment of Two Wheeled Nomad, Lisa Morris takes us to the Atacama.
Twelve Hundred in Twenty:
Exploring the Pacific Northwest on Dual-Sport Motorcycles
Fly and Drive: Iceland
Although taking your own vehicle would be nice, sometimes a fly-and-drive adventure is the best way to go.
The Trail of the Turtles: Thirty-five years of learning and mistakes
Few people have traveled the world like the Wescott’s. Take a look back, as Gary tells us what they’ve learned over their years on the road.
Running the Rim
Four days of wandering along the Mogollon Rim and eastern Arizona’s Coronado Trail.
Coke Ovens Trail
The rain started to fall heavily at 8:30 am, sending the participants of AZRocks running for the cover of tarps and their vehicles.
Sirocco Overland: The Lost City of Kadykchan
Gareth and Lisa of Sirocco Overland visit the abandoned city of Kadykchan.
Adventure Interview: Jon Beardmore
Paul Everitt of Going Solo Adventures interviews Jon Beardmore to learn more about his London to China, and back, solo expedition.
An Aussie Overland: Troy Bignell Visits the FJ Summit
Now in its 8th year, the FJ Summit once again converges on Ouray, Colorado and the beautiful San Juans.
The Lost Fishing Fleet of the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan
Gareth and Lisa of Sirocco Overland visit one of the most curious of places on their journey east.
The Carson/Tahoe Moto Event
As we quickly approach the event on August 21, we take a look at just how awesome this ride can be.
Two Wheeled Nomad: Life Aboard a Cargo Ship
Lisa and Jason hitched a ride on a cargo ship and sailed nearly 7,000 nautical miles just to get to the start of their motorcycle journey.
The Americas with Tubby Xplorer: Journey’s End, Part 18
After 17 installments of the Tubby Xplorer series, we finally come to road’s end in Alaska. Thanks for the journey, Jack.
Sardinetaco: New Jersey to Ushuaia
Sara, Dean and their dog Lupe traded the city for a life on the road. They now spend their days surfing, fishing and exploring their way through the Americas.
36 Hours of Adventure: Rim Rendezvous
Adventure. Challenging, sometimes dangerous, routes to places for brief visits, sampling culture – different people, strange customs. You know, going to work.
36 Hours of Adventure: Bill Williams Mountain
We head North on a weekend trip to escape the heat.
The Worst is Over Now
The story of America’s first vehicle-based cross country overland expedition.
Travel Style: Traverse or Immerse
Is there a sacrifice made to the travel experience when the prime objective is to simply connect two points?
The Americas with Tubby Xplorer: Part 17
Jack and the Tubby Xplorer adventure visit the ruins of Central America.
Destinations: Coco’s Corner, Baja, Mexico
We visit one of the most celebrated roadside stops in all of North America for a beer and a chat with Coco.