Maya Rally 2012 – Teaser is out!

Thanks to the great work of Enrique Vega (E. Vega Studio), and footages from various teams, those of you who have missed the first edition of the Maya Rally can now get a sense of this fabulous adventure! The complete series should be released soon.

VOTD: Russian Ice Buggy

Via West County Explorers Club: Here’s something you don’t see everyday: a Russian ice buggy with a trick up it’s sleeve.

How We Prep for a Trip

A new year brings new adventures. As you go about planning your trips, I thought you might like to see how we prep for ours. If you have any trip prep tips to share, please add a comment. Thanks.

Winch Trick

Via West County Explorers Club: This looks like a great trick for winching a truck that’s pinned against a tree or rock.

In a nutshell, here’s how it works. Turn the front wheels toward the object you’re pinned against. Take the slack out of the winch cable. Put the truck in reverse. It will pull against the cable and crab sideways away from the obstacle.

In the video, the guy reverses while winching forward, which I imagine only works in slippery conditions.

Has anyone tried this?