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  • Author: Christophe Noel

VOTD: Offroad People, Ural

If you ride motorcycles…heck, even if you don’t, you’ll want to watch this. It’s pure Russian motorcycle mayhem. It adds new meaning to “adventure” riding.

VOTD: Colorado BDR by Touratech

Chances are, many of you are motorcycle enthusiasts with your bikes tucked away in a cozy garage as winter thwarts your riding desires. Pull up a chair and watch someone else ride for three minutes. It might make you feel better.

VOTD: Top Gear UK, The Death Road Episode

It’s Christmas, and chances are if you’re here, you have some time to on your hands. Why not spend some of it with the boys at the BBC and Top Gear UK. This is one of the best “overlandy” segments they have ever done.