Jack Stuhler, the founder of Eezi-Awn, is an adventurous man and has spent his entire life exploring the African Continent. After driving from Johannesburg to the UK through the middle east in the early 1999, Jack set his sights on the Americas.
The Americas with Tubby Xplorer, Part III – The Adventure Begins
At last! After much planning and extensive research, we hit the turf of South America and flew into Buenos Aires on the 22nd February 2004.
Andamos de Vagos: High Altitude Adventures
Linda and Aron have been traveling from San Diego, California through Central and South America on their way to Ushuaia in their 1986 VW van. You can follow their adventures at andamosdevagos.com
Drive Nacho Drive: One Dolla Chia
Brad and Sheena are currently driving around the world in their VW Van, “Nacho.” To read about their extensive journey, visit www.drivenachodrive.com
BorregoFest 2013
Fun trails, good friends, and great food are all found at BorregoFest each October. In case you missed this year’s event heres a recap with some great photos to get you excited for next year!
Drive Nacho Drive: The Rally Crashers
Brad & Sheena are driving around the world in their Volkswagen Vanagon, affectionately named Nacho. We rejoin them here on their adventure through Asia.
Expedition Mundo Maya, Part II
This feature first appeared in the March 2012 Sojournal. We liked it so much, we wanted to share it again.
The Overland Family Goes a Lap Around the Globe
If you think it’s impossible to travel the world with family responsibilities, take a look at the Snaith family from Prague. The family of four is currently on a three year tour of the world.
The Americas with Tubby Xplorer, Part 2, Preparation Completed
After driving from Johannesburg to the UK through the middle east in the early 1999, Jack set his sights on the Americas. He prepared a Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series Troopy by the name of Tubby for his journey and shipped it to South America.
The Americas with Tubby Xplorer, The Build Part 1
Jack Stuhler, the founder of Eezi-Awn, is an adventurous man and has spent his entire life exploring the African Continent. After driving from Johannesburg to the UK through the middle east in the early 1999, Jack set his sights on the Americas.
Weather & Ruins: Navajo Nation – Part II
Chazz Layne shares part of his epic experience in the most beautiful parts of the Navajo Nation.
Drive Nacho Drive: Nacho’s New Heart
The venerable Nacho’s heart finally gives out leaving the couple no choice but to perform a transplant.
Pole of Cold Expedition Prepares to Depart
This team will be crossing some of the coldest parts of the world in their Land Rover Defender 110. This alone is impressive, however the fact that they will be doing it in winter is downright shocking.
Trans-Africa in a 200 Series Land Cruiser, The Journey
If you think the new 200 Series Land Cruiser has become an oversized mini-van, it’s time to think again. An Expedition Portal member just drove his white 200 across Africa with his girlfriend.
Overlanding West Africa
For those of us without the money, time, or vehicles to plan and complete a proper overland trip, Overland tours like this one are an excellent option for adventure.
Kingsley Holgate, A Modern Day Livingstone
To say that few men and women reside in the same realm of explorers as Livingstone is a massive understatement. Mr. Holgate however, has the right to walk those hallowed grounds.
Weather & Ruins: Navajo Nation – Part I
Practically every form of precipitation in Mother Nature’s arsenal was being thrown our way. White-out conditions gave way to freezing rain, then fog, a little sun, then more snow.
Expedition Mundo Maya
This story first appeared in the fall Sojournal. We liked it so much, we thought it needed to be shared again.
Leave Your Husband Behind
No, I am not telling you to end your marriage or your relationship. I am actually talking about going camping even when your husband/partner is not available.
Land Cruising Adventures
Dutch by citizenship, this duo now calls the road home, and those along the route their neighbors. Traveling since 2003, they have covered tens of thousands of miles in their Toyota Land Cruiser BJ45.