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Records and Firsts Achieved in Antarctica this Season

December was a wildly successful month of expedition in Antarctica. Records have fallen, firsts achieved, and members of our own Expedition Portal community have made successful bids on the shiny globe at the bottom of the planet.

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Drive Nacho Drive: India or Bust

I would say that it seems like only yesterday that we drove Nacho out of the container in Malaysia, but I’d be lying. It seems like an eternity ago.

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An Idiot Got Bored: London to Joburg

What makes the project an epic voyage is the platform he’s riding, which is a flea of a thing, a 125cc Suzuki Van Van. Oh, and that he’s riding it all for charity.


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The Antarctic Expedition Season is Underway

While the summers in Antarctica are far from warm, the temperatures rise enough for explorers and scientists alike to travel the continent. With the season upon us here’s a look at things to come.

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Time to Vote for the 2014 ExPo Calendar Images

It’s that time once again, time to vote for the images to be included in the 2014 Expedition Portal calendar. It seems with every passing year the images submitted by our members get better and better. The selection for this year is a stunning collection from around the globe. To see the images, and to cast your vote, visit the…

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Gear Scout: Surefire Outdoorsman EL1

I remember the first time I held a Surefire flashlight in my sweaty little paws. It was not only insanely bright, it was a beautiful piece of mechanical artistry. I recall being impressed with the substantial feel of it as well as the amount of detail in the construction. Holding it to my face like a rare artifact, the question…


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Pole of Cold Expedition Prepares to Depart

This team will be crossing some of the coldest parts of the world in their Land Rover Defender 110. This alone is impressive, however the fact that they will be doing it in winter is downright shocking.