An Idiot Got Bored. That’s the first line of his blog, and while it’s a cheeky lead-in, it not only minimizes the expedition the blog chronicles, it couldn’t be further from the actual truth. Will Moore, a former soldier and motorcycle enthusiast is currently twelve weeks into a ride from London to Johannesburg. What makes the project an epic voyage is the platform he’s riding, which is a flea of a thing, a 125cc Suzuki Van Van. Moore is not just a guy with a little motorcycle and a big journey, he’s using the exposure generated from his ride to raise funds for Help for Heroes, a charity established to support wounded servicemen. With help from a handful of sponsors and as many personal funds as he could scratch together, Moore’s expedition has proceeded relatively well, and has already raised nearly £5000 for his cause.
This isn’t to say there haven’t been setbacks. Moore is currently stuck in Bamako, the capital of Mali. Road conditions are so severe, he broke the rear frame members of his motorcycle. Undaunted by a minor mechanical, the trip will continue in short order. With 6,000 miles left to go, he has plenty of adventure ahead, and ample time to raise more funds for his fellow soldiers. You can follow his progress via his blog. His posts make for an interesting, and extremely real read. He describes the good as much as the bad involved in rural African travel. He offers a unique perspective few travelers feel comfortable sharing.
Follow Will’s progress on his travel blog HERE.