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2018 Holiday Gift Guide $300+

It’s hard to believe that December is already halfway gone, meaning there is precious little time left before the holidays. Of course, by this time you’ve probably got most of your gifts for friends and family sorted out, but if you haven’t, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with two lists of great outdoor ideas….

Last Minute Holiday Gifts For Your Overlander

You’re sitting in your office, counting down the days until the holiday break when all of a sudden it hits you, you’re almost out of time for gifts! Frantically, you try to figure out what to buy. Well, fret not, as we have two giant lists of last-minute products for the outdoor enthusiast in your…

Gear Scout: Brake Light Antenna Mount

We’re always fans of simple products developed with a little ingenuity, especially when they solve rather annoying problems. Case in point, this flush mount antenna bracket for your rear brake light. It was originally designed by Neal Technologies for the new Ford trucks, as the magnetic mounts wouldn’t stick to their aluminum body panels, and drilling…

The New and Cool Overland Products of Outdoor Retailer 2018

We’re here in Denver Colorado for the 2018 Outdoor Retailer summer show, and we’re happy to report that there is a flood of new products being unveiled for your next overland adventure! That’s right gear lovers, rejoice, for there are tents, bags, chairs, tables, lights, vans, and four-wheel drives for you to soak in at…

Gear Scout: Luci Lights

We’ve all seen them. Those little solar grids gracing the front dash of a four-wheel drive, van, or camper. It is not just a symbol of “I get out a lot” but one of the most versatile, tough, and useful lights currently on the market. I’m talking of course, about Luci Lights. MPOWERD Inc. created…

Field Tested: Kalipak 401

Like it or not, we live in a digital age. Nearly everything we use requires power, and that need for electricity doesn’t end when we head out into the backcountry. Many of us like to run GPS on our phones or iPads, take photos of our adventures with a camera, or might even need to…

Did Google’s Pixel Buds just break the language barrier?

The written and spoken word have been shaping our lives since the dawn of mankind. They’ve built and defined societies, led to a greater understanding of the world around us, and helped to bridge the gap between nations, but they’ve also been a barrier. Even simple differences in dialects can lead to difficulties in communication,…

Long Term Review: iOverlander Travel Resource App

In the fall of 2014, I wrote a small review of an upstart web and app-based travel resource called iOverlander. At the time it had equal potential to be a runaway success, or just one of a million great ideas to vanish into the cyber-ether. Three years later, the iOverlander platform is a proven winner…