The world of helmets has evolved a long way since the leather head wraps people once wore. We are now in a time where the helmet not only provides a layer of safety but also forms a cocoon of warmth and weather protection like never before. Selecting the motorcycle helmet right for you is like…
Overland Journal Put Synthetic Rope Winches to the Test. Here are the Results.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Gear 2023 Issue. The year 2009 was a memorable year for many reasons: US Airways Flight 1549 hit a large flock of geese shortly after takeoff and successfully landed in the Hudson River, the swine flu ravaged the world, and Overland Journal printed their 12-volt winch…
Overland Driving 101
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Winter 2022 Issue. One of the most misunderstood aspects of overlanding is how it differs from off-roading in general. While the two are related, they are far from the same discipline of the genre. This misconception is often seen in the grocery store parking lot when…
Field Tested :: Fitzroy Bushcraft Knife
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Fall 2022 Issue. Photography by Charlie Garrity. A proper bushcraft knife is a piece of gear that often gets overlooked. Unlike a multi-tool or the classic Swiss Army knife, Fitzroy designs their products to be knives foremost—that can do multiple tasks. I learned long ago that…
Roof Loading for Overland Travel: How Much is Too Much?
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Summer 2022 Issue. Many of you likely remember the Ford Explorer rollover lawsuits of the early 2000s. We were inundated daily with news reports about the dangers of the Explorer and the risk to society that SUVs posed in general. Fast forward 20 years, and though…
Modern Explorer :: Charley Boorman
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Gear 2022 Issue. Many of you have seen Charley Boorman in the Long Way series with his friend and fellow traveler, Ewan MacGregor. Since that series started in the early 2000s, Charley has become a motorcycle influencer, professional speaker, and television presenter. To many, he lives…
The Art of Getting Unstuck: Self-Extraction Techniques for Sand
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Gear 2022 Issue. It’s 125°F with a sticky 90 percent humidity level in the Al Badayer Desert, and I am seriously stuck. The Range Rover has four dangling wheels from when I’d gotten a little too excited with the throttle. I try to open the driver’s…
Long Way Up Review
It’s been a long year for most of us. With a global pandemic and the social unrest the world has faced, anything to get my mind off of the global problems was a welcome sight. In 2004 and 2007, Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman released two of the greatest series on motorcycle and adventure travel…