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  • Author: Christophe Noel

Outdoor Retailer 2015: New Toys for Overlanders

Twice a year the outdoor industry convenes on Salt Lake City, Utah to show off the latest and greatest in outdoor products. This year proved once again that the wheels of innovation never stop, and the overall acceptance of overlanding is growing by leaps and bounds. Within the sprawling halls of the event were a…

Field Tested: Caribou Luggage Commando Soft Panniers

Soft luggage or hard cases? That is the question. Looking at it as objectively as possible, it is safe to say both systems have their obvious advantages and undeniable foibles. We could go into those pros and cons until we’re blue in the face, but ultimately it all depends on a rider’s needs and how…

The 2015 North West Overland Rally Recap

Ask the Overland International team how many events we have attended over the years and we will probably reply with a collective shrug of shoulders. How could we possibly know? From massive trade shows to small gatherings around the glow of a fire, we have attended hundreds of assemblies big and small. So naturally, when…