Our plan was to make it to the beach before dark, so naturally we arrived well after it. I had expected as much. Something about keeping to a schedule while escaping meetings, emails, and calendars just doesn’t jive with me. Unfortunately, navigating the unfamiliar shores of an island at night doesn’t jive well either, so…
Maggie in Africa: What We Have Learned So Far
Deciding to take a year off to travel through 20+ African countries requires considerable preparation to ensure a smooth journey and to avoid situations that could derail our plans, temporarily or entirely. For those of our readers who may be thinking, “how on earth can you travel through so many countries,” or “you must be completely…
Landcruising Adventure: Showering low-budget style when overlanding
It was a 4-year-old child who asked me the question first. A week before our departure, family and friends came to my house for a farewell party. The Land Cruiser stood on the lawn, proud and ready to be driven to Asia. Its doors and windows were open so everybody could glance or step…
The Canadian Overland Tribe Gathers: BC Overland Rally 2017
So much to learn, see, and do at the first annual BC Overland Rally, which was held at the Sasquatch Mountain Resort June 22-25. Sadly, I didn’t spot any Sasquatches, but did have an amazing long weekend with the Canadian overland tribe. High up in British Columbia’s mountains, but only 2 hours north of the…
Meet Overland Journal at Adventure Southside – Germany
After a hugely successful debut in 2016, Adventure Southside once again opens its gates from July 14-16, 2017, in Eigeltingen, slightly to the west of Lake Constance. With a comprehensive programme of lectures, workshops and events for the whole family, the organizers invite overlanders, off-roaders and survival fans to join them on the Swiss-German border….
Beyond the Truck (Motorcycle): Camping on a Glacier
Where the city ends, Juneau Icefield in Southeast Alaska begins—and keeps going. Undeniably, its centerpiece is Mendenhall Glacier, one of the world’s most accessible. And the one we planned to make a self-guided trip and camp overnight upon in springtime. Just 12 miles from downtown and then a 4.5-mile moderate hike—steep and slippery in part—through…
Maggie in Africa: The Highs and Lows of Life on the Road in Africa
“It’ll be amazing,” they said. “A trip of a lifetime,” they said. Every day, we want to believe that driving through Africa in our ’91 Defender named Maggie is an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience, but the truth is that it doesn’t always feel like rainbows and butterflies. At times it can be really, really hard, but…
The Vehicles of NW Overland Rally 2017
With over 1,000 people in attendance at the 7th annual NW Overland Rally in Plain, Washington, there was bound to be a few interesting vehicles, but the sheer diversity was truly impressive. The rally pulls attendees from all over the PNW and has a solid draw from southwestern Canada. The 15-year import laws in Canada…
First Annual Outfound Series
The first annual Outfound Series went down on Hood River at Oregon’s famous event site, the waterfront where much of windsurfing and kiteboarding has developed. Outfound Series is all about truly inspirational speakers talking about everything from business, adventure sports, and moving full time into a van. The thread throughout was outdoor adventure and the…
72 Hours of Adventure in Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego. The very name conjures up images of great 16th-century explorers, precariously navigating their tall ships through the iceberg-filled archipelago. These days, the exploration vehicle of choice is a 4×4, as apart from National Route 3, you will find no paved roads here. It’s wild, rugged, and remote. Just how the end of…
Five Wild Western Overland Destinations for Your Shortlist
Every year our forum section explodes with thousands of posts dedicated to trip planning. If you live in a part of the country where the western half is within striking distance, your options for adventure are genuinely without limit. Sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains sits a dozen…
Overland Commute: UK to Mali
I’ve always regarded blogs as harbouring the sort of self-indulgent small talk which bores us all; inane, desultory, mini-updates neither telling a story nor addressing a point. An incoherent musing of one’s day-to-day life written by those who seem to have overlooked the stories that readers might actually want to hear. So, it came as…
Desk To Glory: Canadian Drives
Headed North? Here are three drives to put under your tires.
Adventure Photographer: Shooting Images Worth Publishing
For the modern story teller, particularly those hoping to get published, the ability to convey events equally well in prose and pixels is no easy task. While some nail the word making, they may struggle to capture the photos necessary to get their story on the printed page. As editors and aggregators of content, we…
Solo en Baja
I had never been to Mexico prior to this trip. Also, being Swedish meant that my Spanish was pretty much non-existent. That wasn’t going to stop me. I could not have been more excited about my solo road trip to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. I had been planning it for quite some time. What…
Landcruising Adventure: Life in Argentina’s Wilderness, the Chaco
It’s dry, hot, and profoundly remote. Just where we would expect to find Karin and Coen.
Revolutionary Ride: In Search of the Real Iran
Iran teems with contradictions. Persian rugs are sold in bazaars next to knock-off American perfumes, chador covered women window shop for miniskirts, and the oppressiveness of the Islamic Republic is countered by the irrepressible optimism of its citizens. A country that’s been isolated by its own policies and years of Western sanctions (only recently lifted),…
36 Hours of Adventure: Hills and Horns
The bull was less than pleased to see me approaching the edge of his fence. He snorted as I slowly knelt for the photo, and then proceeded to stare disapprovingly as my shutter clicked once and then twice. Lowering the camera to read the sign once more, a smile crept across my face. Prayer is the…
Women Adventurers Who Pioneered Overlanding
For International Women’s Day, Expedition Portal celebrates six women overlanders
Beyond the Truck: Grand Canyon Solitaire
A walk into the abyss where time stands still.