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  • Author: Lucie Hanes

Meal Bars for On-the-Go Energy

The eating experience ebbs and flows. There are times in life when there’s no better feeling than sitting down for a luxurious meal. Every bite tastes like a slice of heaven on Earth melting in your mouth, and you take your sweet time with each swallow in a desperate effort to make the flavors last…

Food Storage for the Overland Traveler

Editor’s Note: This food storage article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Summer 2023 Issue. If you think about it, food should always come first. It’s the fire behind everything we do, from everyday human functioning to scaling cliffsides and hiking through high mountain passes. Living necessitates eating. Living adventurously? So much more so. Dream…

JackRabbit Miniature Ebike

When your vehicle is also your home—whether for the weekend, an extended journey, or full time—everyday transit gets complicated. Do you take your entire rig every time you need to run errands down the road? Or risk losing your primo overnight parking spot for the sake of a quick morning coffee run? The whole process…