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  • Author: Lisa Morris

MSR Whisperlite Universal Backpacking Stove and Quick 2 Pot Set

  Relying on a stove handmade from a beer can fuelled by 97 per cent pharmaceutical alcohol, worked flawlessly for months on the road through the Americas.  Certainly in non-windy conditions and when circumstances permitted us to be time-rich.  However, seasons change, the weather picks up and it becomes nigh on impossible to source almost…

Leaving footprints in Torotoro and a present from La Paz

Refuelled and rested in Bolivia’s constitutionally recognised capital, Sucre, we scurried the 200 odd miles over rutas 5, 23 and 7 leading us into the urban sprawl that is Cochambamba.  The streets were saturated with photocopier shops, crammed in between kiosks bursting with processed junk, chips and salsa, banks of candy and great walls of…