The bonfire had died down to a glowing mound of coals, but with good-natured prodding from the hundreds gathered around it, Teepee Dave, the resident pyrotechnic, hauled more pallets over from the stacks ringing the pit and stoked the flames back to life. Ray Hyland, one of the event organizers and the ring leader of…
Helinox Table Review
In the eternal march to find the gear that best fits our travel style and tastes, a table is a simultaneously easy and complicated piece of equipment. Size is one of the biggest limiting factors when deciding on how we will keep our plates, notebooks, stoves, and all other manner of gear from crashing to…
Expo East 2018: The Campground Vehicles
With the 2018 Overland Expo East in the not so distant, but distinctly damp past, we can reflect on the truly incredible collection of vehicles that braved the rain, mud, and cold to commune on the fields of REEB Ranch, tucked in the North Carolina hills. While the exhibition motorcycles and 4-wheel drives represented the…
Cold Weather Camping With Kids
This past month Texas was shocked to its core from a winter storm that left us reeling. Yes, the state shuts down when any cold, inclement weather hits us square in the flip-flops, but you can’t ignore an opportunity to beat the summer heat and explore the backcountry. Winter camping alone demands special attention, but…