The historian Hellanicus recorded the first reference to letter writing, a handwritten note sent in 500 BCE from the Persian Queen Atossa, mother of Xerxes and the Achaemenid Empire (Roberts, 1843). There is little doubt that messages were sent across longer distances in earlier times, but they are lost in the sands. The process changed little for the next millennia, with only the speed of communication improving through messengers on horseback and eventually with the Arabs employing pigeons. Still, the letter remained the form of communication until 1830, when the telegraph became viable for rapid and longer-distance messaging, but it was far from portable. Finally, radio communications arrived at the turn of the 19th century, as Guglielmo Marconi transmitted a wireless message 1.5 miles across the ether.
For the modern explorer, there are a plethora of options for communicating, including all manner of analog and digital methods, from sending a postcard to low-orbit satellites with broadband connectivity and everything in between. And despite our desire to disconnect, there are practical and professional reasons to maintain a degree of connectivity. Many of us now work remotely, choosing our place on the map based on the view, not access to Wi-Fi or cellular coverage. Improved communications keep us more remote for longer periods while still allowing for the ability to earn a living. The practical considerations are more critical, as a reliable connection gives us the confidence to explore more remote areas, even solo, as there are means to get support from fellow travelers or rescue personnel (with every effort made to travel responsibly and not put rescue workers at unnecessary risk). With two-way messaging, it is now possible to specifically request the items needed, like extra fuel, a drivers-side CV axle, etc.

In Greenland, we relied on the Iridium Go and Garmin inReach to maintain communications with fuel drop aircrafts and family.
Communication Methods and Considerations
It is important to keep context around digital communication, acknowledging that only in the past century has real-time two-way messaging been possible. We don’t need comms to travel, but it can certainly improve the efficiency and safety of the journey. In order of simplicity and accessibility, here are the options available with pros and cons.
Humans are more likely to have a cell phone than a toilet. The smartphone is ubiquitous and accessible and used by two-thirds of the world’s population. The upside is that 97 percent of the world’s population lives within cellular coverage, but the downside is only 34 percent of the landmass has cellular coverage. Limited backcountry towers leave a lot of where overlanders travel without a network. The smartphone is cost-effective, highly portable, and rich with functionality (via apps), but it has limited connectivity in remote areas.
Cellular phone communications are extended in the backcountry via boosting technologies and antennas like the weBoost, which improves reception in two ways: 1. By mounting the antenna outside the vehicle and at a higher position relative to the phone and surrounding terrain, improving reception. 2. By boosting the transmission power to the maximum legal wattage (from 200 milliwatts in the phone to a full 1 watt with the booster) combined with the antenna gain of 50 decibels (the legal booster limit). It is common for premium boosters to improve cellular calling and data performance by up to 10 times.
Radio Communication
For overlanding, radio communications have two jobs: to provide efficient localized dialogue among a group via Simplex, where either mobile or handheld radios transmit and receive directly between the various units. Travelers most often use GMRS/FRS radios like the Rocky Talkie or Midland or less frequently by Citizens Band (CB). Radio communication using VHF/UHF ham radios in Simplex or via repeater is another option, requiring a license.
The second means of radio communication is high frequency (HF), which can travel extreme distances by bouncing off the ionosphere. HF requires a large antenna and a ham license. Although it does not require service fees, the communication is unpredictable and requires large antennas with specialized (and often internationally restricted) equipment. In recent years, apps and other tools have helped to improve the outcomes, but even with the right frequency and path, you are just as likely to have an amateur operator in Singapore answer as anyone else. Forty years ago, this was the best option, but now, other solutions provide remote communication for a fraction of the cost of a suitable HF radio and array. In most cases, it is best to use GMRS for Simplex communication and leave the long-range emergency work to the satellites.
Smartphone Satellite Positioning and SOS
A few things help improve cell coverage, including boosters like the weBoost and new phones incorporating satellite SOS or other forms of communication. The iPhone 14 and newer can communicate SOS messages via the Globalstar network and on to an emergency dispatch. T-Mobile has contracted with SpaceX to offer Starlink coverage, and Android devices are starting to roll out various satellite communication methods. The downside is that these communications are only currently for requesting an emergency response like a medical or life-threatening rescue, with services currently limited to specific regions. These systems now use low-earth orbit satellites. Overland Journal uses iPhone satellite SOS as a tertiary emergency communication method.
Satellite Messenger
Without question, the most prolific form of remote communication is the satellite messenger, which permits two-way communication of text messages. These systems typically use low-earth orbit satellites, and some units, like the Garmin inReach, work globally, while others, like Spot, only have regional coverage (i.e., not the Poles). These units also permit SOS functionality and tracking, so the product can report a location trail without sending text messages. That tracking function is a critical feature should the user be involved in an accident and unable to send messages. Those following will have a record of the last known location. These compact and affordable units give travelers and family members peace of mind worldwide. Overland Journal uses numerous inReach units for satellite communications and considers them part of our safety procedure for remote travel.
Satellite Phone with Data
Satellite phones (satphones) have been used for nearly 50 years; the first models marketed to commercial ships were known as the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), which used the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) constellation. These phones can be geostationary orbit (GSO) like INMARSAT or low-earth orbit (LEO) like the more popular Globalstar and Iridium. These permit two-way voice communications and low-speed data connectivity (email without attachments). While they have lost popularity with overlanders, they still offer the vital function of expedient dialog with support personnel, for example, during a medical emergency where telemedicine provides real-time coaching for diagnosis and treatment. It is also the opportunity for family members to hear their loved ones speak. For others, the satphone allows them to call for help in an emergency yet remain blissfully disconnected otherwise, without any apps, notifications, or inboxes to be found. We have both a Globalstar and Iridium satellite phone and have used them on all continents (except Globalstar for Antarctica, which lacks coverage on that continent).
Since 2005, the Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) has provided up to 492 kilobits across nearly the entire planet, including the poles. Given the satellite orbit altitude and hardware limitations, the latency can be around one second. The terminals are compact (about the size of a laptop) and durable, providing the ability to connect in nearly all conditions, including maritime. The challenge is the cost, which puts data rates around $7 per megabyte (or $427 for one raw Sony image file), and calls average around $1 per minute. However, it is the only viable data solution for areas Starlink does not serve. Overland Journal has used BGAN since 2009 for select trips, including the Silk Road and the South Pole.
Low-orbit, Low-latency Broadband (i.e., Starlink)
Currently, over 4,500 Starlink satellites are sitting 550 kilometers above Earth, all capable of adjusting altitude and even initiating self-destruct using hall-effect thrusters. Plans are in place for up to 42,000 satellites, 10 times more than all other satellites in orbit, from every other company, space agency, or country, resulting in unimaginable performance, accessibility, and low latency to the company’s 1,500,000 subscribers worldwide. Once Starlink access is available on a smartphone, that number will be an order of magnitude higher and forever change remote travel. Overland Journal utilizes two Starlink antennas for fixed, mobile, and maritime connectivity.
Early in our testing process, we determined that an apples-to-apples comparison would provide little value and represent too few considerations and models for the reader. We considered testing only satellite messengers, but inReach has far surpassed most rivals, and most others of note utilize the same constellation. The Spot device uses the Globalstar constellation with a limited coverage area at the poles, Western Africa, and parts of Asia. As a result, the greatest value is to test and compare the best communications technologies, including the categories above. We selected the top units from each, except BGAN due to the prohibitive cost and iPhone SOS due to its emergency-only use case. The BGAN is covered in the sidebar.
Objective considerations include coverage area, regulatory constraints, speed, communication methods, and battery life. Subjective insights are many and add an essential relevance to the purchase decision. While Starlink is an incredible technology, it is too big for a motorcycle and has yet to pass regulatory hurdles for some cross-border transport. Using these technologies in some of the most remote and austere environments has created critical insights into our conclusions. I still remember the BGAN coming to life at the Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan border, the region being in a quagmire of conflict at the end of the Fergana Valley. I communicated directly with the regional security officer over email, voice calls, and ultimately, the download of a GPX file that would help us detour around the burning buildings. On the contrary, I also enjoy sending little messages from the inReach to my family, sharing my wonder from a remote campsite. Letters home have certainly changed in the last 2,500 years.
Garmin inReach Mini 2 and Messenger (EDITOR’S CHOICE)
The inReach was first released in 2011 by DeLorme (the mapping company), which was subsequently purchased by Garmin and updated/redesigned. The inReach is the gold standard of a Satellite Emergency Notification Device (SEND), providing reliable coverage via the Iridium network across the entire globe. The inReach is available as an ultra-compact Messenger, multi-sport, and moto-ready Mini 2 in a series of larger units with color displays and GPS functionality. The inReach can be integrated with large vehicle-based GPS products like the Tread. In all cases, messages can be sent from the unit or more efficiently using a paired smartphone. We have used inReach on all seven continents and have relied on the technology for keeping in touch with loved ones, business contacts, and support personnel. The system allows for 160-character SMS, pre-stored messages, OK check-ins, SOS emergency messaging, tracking, and weather updates.
While the inReach is available in many configurations, it is the compact units we recommend and use most often because they can be carried everywhere, even on your person while walking around a market or city. We use two, one always on and stored discreetly in the vehicle and another that we keep on our person and powered off except when out on foot, ensuring active tracking of the vehicle and the occupants. The on-person unit can be relegated to a less expensive plan, as the in-vehicle inReach is used for regular tracking and SMS. We use the inReach Mini 2 in the vehicle, and I carry the new Messenger on my person. It charges via USB C, and the battery lasts up to 46 days, with location pings sent every 30 minutes. The Messenger permits reverse charging of your phone from the 1,800-milliampere lithium internal battery, so I swapped my power brick for the Messenger in my daily carry kit. Despite my activity, I now take the Messenger everywhere, as it is only 3 x 2.5 inches, weighs 4 ounces, and easily tucks into a pocket or shoulder bag. It has a diminutive sunlight-readable display, allowing SMS and SOS functionality without a smartphone.
The downsides of the inReach are few, representing a near-perfect confluence of value and capability. However, a few considerations are worth noting, principally the lack of voice communications. Depending on the nature of the emergency and the proximity to rescue, it may be critical to engage voice-based telemedicine for assistance with effective diagnosis and rapid treatment. When communicating with an emergency physician, SMS is better than nothing, but active video or voice comms are superior. There are limitations with the small units, particularly with sending messages without a smartphone paired. Messages can be sent, but they take time to construct one character at a time. Overall, the inReach changed remote communications for overlanders and still leads the pack.
$400/Mini 2, $300/Messenger |
- The remote communicator most overlanders need
- Global coverage
- Ultra-compact units that can be carried on-person
- Direct and group messages between inReach units
- Lack of voice capability may complicate some telemedicine procedures
- Nearly $800 per year for the Expedition unlimited plan (billed monthly)
Iridium Go and Go Exec

The Iridium constellation became operational in November 1998 and currently has 82 operational satellites (76 active and 6 spares). The name is a clever nod to the element Iridium, which is atomic number 77, representing the approximate number of satellites necessary to cover every corner of the globe. These satellites were specifically engineered to support handheld communications, which put them in a lower-earth orbit due to the limited transmit power and antenna gain of a lightweight handset. Each satellite can support approximately 1,000 simultaneous calls and a data rate of 2.4 kilobits per second (Kbps).
In 2014, the team at Iridium Communications launched the much-anticipated Iridium Go, a compact and portable hotspot that provides calling and light data transmission via a smartphone app. The Go presented a significant advantage as up to five users could connect to one device (although only one call could be made at a time) and receive SMS communications. It is even possible to send and receive light emails, social media posts, and very small images.
Additional functionality includes live tracking, weather updates, and SOS emergency reporting.
The Iridium Go is a natural evolution of the satphone, with the distinct advantage of allowing multiple users to connect remotely to the device. Remote connection is beneficial in bad weather, where the unit can be placed in a clear view of the sky, and the operator can connect from up to 30 meters away inside a climate-controlled environment. We used the Go during the first long-axis vehicle crossing of the Greenland ice sheet in 2018 and experienced reliable connectivity and efficient messaging across multiple smartphones. However, it is essential to set reasonable expectations around any data transmission and view the device as suitable for voice calls, SMS, tracking, and light email.
For 2023, Iridium announced the updated version of the Go, called the Exec, which takes advantage of their new Next satellites with up to 40 times faster data rates of 88 Kbps download and 22 Kbps upload. The new Exec now permits additional app integration like WhatsApp, Gmail, and light web browsing. Most notable is that this new service works everywhere, even at the poles. The Exec model also permits two active calls at the same time. This solution is best for travelers who need robust connectivity at high latitudes or motorcycle travelers who cannot store and power a Starlink antenna. The Exec is larger than the Go and weighs 2.6 pounds (1,200 grams). The monthly data plans for the new Exec range from $120 to $500 and $65 to $178 for the Go.
$1,849/Exec, $895/Go |
- Global coverage
- Compact voice, SMS, and data option
- The Exec model supports light social media, email, and file transfers
- Significant initial hardware investment
- Up to $4.49 per megabyte and $.65 per SMS
- Limited data use
Iridium Extreme 9575 Satellite Phone
Satellite phones have been in use since the 1970s and have provided reliable communications for travelers on every corner of the globe. In recent years, their use has dropped off rapidly, primarily due to the advent of low-cost satellite messengers and alternative data hotspots like BGAN, Iridium Go, and others. In some countries, this challenge is exacerbated by regulations controlling satphone use and transport. Despite this, they still have a place in the tool kit of some travelers, particularly those who are content to relegate their use to emergencies or infrequent calling. The satphone becomes an emergency device, eliminating monthly costs or annual contracts by using prepaid minute plans. The 9575 restricts the temptation to be always connected, permitting the traveler to get lost in the solitude of a digital detox. During Expeditions 7, we took pride in the Iridium phone going unused for five of the seven continents.
The Extreme 9575 has been on the market for many years. It has become the gold standard for satphones, providing a durable and lightweight 9-ounce unit with a wide operating temperature range and a retractable high-gain antenna. The 9575 is the evolution of the segment, as it includes several vital technologies like a GPS chipset for location tracking, SMS messaging, one-button SOS, and data tethering. The phone is designed for the most obscure and demanding conditions with a MIL-STD 810F durability standard and the all-important IP65 water/dust rating. The battery provides 30 hours of standby and 4 hours of talk time but is easily charged in the optional 12-volt (always on) cradle or with the supplied cigarette lighter power cable.
It might be easy to dismiss the satphone as a viable option, but these units have been my most trusted companion for nearly all my travels. When crossing Antarctica, the Iridium phone was specified as the location tracking technology of choice and sent hourly updates to the Antarctic agencies monitoring our progress. It was also the means of communication when we provided emergency assistance to Prince Harry and the Walking with the Wounded team approaching the South Pole. However, it has a few drawbacks, principally around data transmission. The 9575 has the capability of (very) low-speed data transmission at approximately 2.4 Kbps. Still, we struggled to maintain a connection long enough to download a 130-kilobit GPX file required to navigate a newly formed crevasse zone. Ultimately, it took several tries and a few hours of talk time (and several hundred dollars). The 9575 is a professional tool that allows for reliable voice communication, precisely when needed, anywhere on the planet. However, because it doesn’t connect to social media or allow for low-cost perpetual messaging, it serves as a tool for the traveler to finally disconnect.
$1,450 |
- Reliable voice communication
- No monthly fee, bulk-minute SIM cards
- SMS, tracking, and SOS
- SMS use burns one minute of airtime per message
- Minimal data functionality
- Does not allow device pairing or placement away from the operator
Starlink Mobile (EDITOR’S CHOICE)
As with many emerging technologies, SpaceX has upended, reshuffled, and universally disrupted the remote data provider sector and (soon) the telecommunications sectors. Until 2021, there were limited and highly siloed satellite options, and none worked perfectly. By February 2021, Starlink had 10,000 subscribers; in just two years, the company surpassed 1,500,000 subscribers. The technology uses thousands of low-earth orbit satellites, and they are adding to the constellation regularly, expecting to be at over 7,000 in a few years. This capacity and low-orbit positioning results in unimaginable speeds, often exceeding 200 megabits per second (Mbps) download. The low latency also allows for video conferencing.
When Starlink first launched, we were on the beta waiting list and took a gamble that it would allow for mobile use. That was not the case, and we were restricted to testing within 40-50 miles of our offices. That soon changed, and the new residential/mobile antenna was released, allowing for stationary use or roaming service within the home continent. Within the past year, Global roaming is now an option with a $200 monthly fee. During the summer of 2022, I used the new antenna with my Scout Camper and lived/worked throughout the Western United States. In all candor, it changed everything, as I could do my work virtually anywhere, including video meetings, podcast recordings, large file uploads, etc. And it just worked—every time.
The original Starlink dish was large, making it difficult to mount or store in a vehicle. Fortunately, the new antenna changed to a rectangle, with much smaller overall dimensions. The unit includes a mounting rod and internal motors for positioning and stowing. Fortunately, Starlink launched their new flat high-performance antenna, which costs $2,500 and still uses 120-volt power and an external router. In a further boon for travelers, the Global Mobile service was launched, which (theoretically) works on land anywhere outside the polar regions. Ocean and Air models are also in final development. The service fees vary, but the $200 per month Global Mobile package is ideal for our purposes, providing 5-50 Mbps download speeds. Third-party options like Unique Componentry offer a $1,000 conversion to an ultra-flat, 1-inch thickness, 12-volt operation (see sidebar), and we will be testing the modified antenna throughout Africa and Europe.
Overall, it is difficult to find fault with Starlink for vehicle-based connectivity. The hardware is less than most of the competition, and the monthly service fees are a fraction of BGAN’s costs. The antenna is too big for motorcycle use, and I found that the 120-volt power consumption was notable at 5-22 amps, depending on conditions. The power-hungry Starlink requires infrequent use or a large power supply and supporting solar panels. It is an incredible experience to be streaming a high-definition video conference call in the middle of the Montana backcountry— disruptive indeed.
$599/hardware, $200/monthly service |
- Broadband coverage and low latency
- Affordable hardware and monthly service fees
- Provides work from (almost) anywhere connectivity
- Power-hungry in-stock configuration
- The antenna requires modification for 12-volt use
- Performance affected by obstructions and heavy weather
weBoost Drive Reach Overland (Value Award)
A classic American success story, weBoost was started by Jim Wilson in 1997 when he struggled to maintain cellular connectivity while traveling. Wilson should also ring a bell for earlier products, as they are the same company that brought Wilson antennas and CB products to the market in the late 1960s. The company is located in St. George, Utah, and has been a regular advocate and participant in the overland community. Their products have evolved considerably from the early booster iterations, now providing overland-specific models like the Drive Reach Overland we are testing here.
The most important thing to understand about cellular boosters is that they work as advertised but cannot create a signal where one does not exist. Products like weBoost improve cellular performance in multiple ways, resulting in better call quality and faster download/upload speeds. The most important feature is the antenna, which should be mounted high on the vehicle and above the tallest solid object mounted to the roof or rack. The Drive Over the Road (OTR) antenna has numerous mounting options and extension rod heights. It can be mounted on a spring or on a hinged base, which allows the traveler to either leave the antenna up all the time or fold it down to limit tree or overhang damage. It draws 1.5-2 amps at 12 volts, which is manageable by most house electrical systems or smaller power stations.
In general, systems like weBoost are the best first step toward remote communications, as they solve the needs of most travelers and work across all of the mobile phones and hot spots in the travel party. They are best paired with a hot spot device or a mobile phone that can be left on the interior antenna. Most complaints with the solution stem from a need for more understanding about how the amplification works, expecting the boosting to work in a large area or the entire interior of the vehicle or camper. I like to use a mobile hotspot set directly next to or on top of the interior antenna and then have Wi-Fi broadcast to the broader network of devices, phones, tablets, and laptops. During my several months traveling the Western United States, this was the primary data solution for my needs and even worked well in motion. The added benefit is the lower long-term cost, as there are no monthly fees for its use. Only the most remote locations demand a satellite connection.
$550 |
- No monthly fees
- Works well in motion
- Amplifies all cellular networks
- There needs to be at least some signal to amplify
- Cellular device to be in immediate proximity of the interior antenna
- A feedback loop (oscillation condition) can occur and require reset or antenna relocation
Each year, overland travel becomes more accessible than ever, with countless options for everything from vehicles to tents to toilet paper. Also gone is the dearth of communication choices, with a broad spectrum of solutions covering every conceivable method. And we know that these bellwether technologies will soon be improved or even replaced, like T-Mobile teasing two-way smartphone communication and data via Starlink. Soon, nowhere will feel like everywhere, which is a boon and a tragedy. The remote communication boom has resulted in campsite overcrowding, but overlanders are uniquely capable of getting further into the backcountry.
For our Value Award, the decision was split between the Garmin inReach and the weBoost Drive, both providing improved remote communications at a reasonable cost. Unfortunately, it is a bit like comparing apples and oranges, but there is a method to this pairing. The Garmin is supremely effective as an emergency messenger and can be purchased for $299 and kept active for as low as $11 per month. The basic plan is cheap insurance, allowing for ten monthly messages, likely sufficient for most users’ needs. Once the Expedition plan is activated for unlimited messages, the cost approaches $50 per month, translating to over $1,000 between the unit cost, activation, and monthly service in the first year. For some travelers, the best value is likely a weBoost and an iPhone 14 or newer with SOS functionality. These tools will allow for improved communication at the edges of cellular coverage and faster data speeds, but the SOS feature will provide a mechanism for rescue in life-threatening situations. In our testing, the weBoost made a significant difference in performance, enough that we installed one in addition to Starlink to provide redundancy. The weBoost is also a buy-and-done proposition with no additional monthly service fees and ultimately received our Value Award.
For the Editor’s Choice, we narrowed the options down to the Garmin inReach and Starlink Mobile. They both solve the need for remote SOS and SMS, but this is where they diverge significantly. The Garmin emphasizes portability, durability, efficiency, and 100 percent global coverage at the cost of voice and data transmission functionality. In contrast, Starlink emphasizes data speed, low latency, and dollar per MB at the cost of portability and power consumption (and currently lacks 100 percent global coverage). They have two unique and irreplaceable use cases, as the motorcyclist cannot currently use Starlink, and the remote worker cannot log into their VPN using the inReach from the middle of the Alvord Desert. If you want portable and affordable SMS and SOS anywhere in the world, then inReach wins, but if you’re going to work from (nearly) anywhere in North America, Starlink wins. As an Editor’s Choice, I have chosen them both for all of my travels since Starlink allowed mobile use, and they each serve a critical role in performance, portability, and redundancy. They are too good to ignore or rank separately, so they share the Editor’s Choice Award.
These are exciting times for remote communications, and I look forward to a future Garmin watch with inReach built-in or a smartphone that can access the Starlink constellation. As we become perpetually connected everywhere, the most essential hack will be to have the courage to sit in silence, watching the sunset, with the gadgets all powered off.
Editor’s Note: BGAN
An article on remote communications would only be complete with the inclusion of BGAN, currently the only compact, portable, low-power broadband technology with global coverage (excluding the highest latitudes). While governments and industry most commonly use BGAN, it is appropriate for some overland travelers who require a data connection for their style of travel or professional needs. The BGAN may be the only way a prominent CEO can escape into the backcountry, and she has the budget to support the connectivity expense.
The BGAN terminal is typically the size of a laptop and combines the antenna, battery, and Wi-Fi router into a single unit. The terminals cost between $2,000 and 8,000; data rates come in at about $7 per megabyte. Voice call fees vary on the data package but should be budgeted at $1 per minute. Download speeds vary based on the connection, with the HDR providing rates up to 800 Kbps or even 1 Mbps with terminal bonding.
Unique Componentry Starlink 12-volt Conversion
While Starlink functions fine in stock form, it has several limitations for overlanders. The first challenge is setting up and breaking down the Starlink with each camp, and the mounting solutions could be better, adapting mounting arms or (like I did) running the antenna on the top of the camper when parked. The second issue is power draw, requiring at least 2 amps to operate—but the kicker is that it is 2 amps at 120 volts, which is calculated to be 22 amps at the 12-volt batteries! Our testing demonstrated a much lower number than that on average, with our 24-hour shunt data showing 5.7 amps at 12 volts. But this is still high and nearly twice the amps of a typical fridge. The last limitation is portability, with even the most compact Starlink RV taking the size of a 40-liter AluBox to store. Enter the Unique Componentry conversion.
Unique Componentry is a small, overlander-owned business that found a need and filled it, converting a standard residential Starlink antenna into a 12-volt, flat-mount unit that is only 1 inch thick after machining. The conversion to 12-15 volts results in a more efficient Starlink, drawing only 2-3 amps, which is less than half the stock draw. The unit can be hard-mounted flat using the four 1/4-20 inserts, magnetic articulating round feet (our choice), or 3M adhesive feet. The conversion is weather-sealed and dust/vibration resistant, using a fully potted fill and finish machining. The power supply and router are fully incorporated into the unit. Like magic, it fits in a carry-on-sized nylon case for fly-and-drive opportunities. This conversion takes the best mobile satellite data solution and makes it the best for overlanders.
$1,000 |
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Overland Journal’s Gear 2024 Issue.
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Read more: Six Months of International Travel with Starlink by Graeme Bell