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Swapping the life conventional for the ride of a lifetime 

Many daydream about making a road trip across continents. There may be real or perceived hurdles in the way, so what does it take to actually do it? For anyone whose life’s jigsaw pieces can coalesce around such a dream—and respectfully, not everyone’s can—a commitment to the decision is all it takes. Then comes doing whatever is necessary to make…

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Leaving footprints in Torotoro and a present from La Paz

Refuelled and rested in Bolivia’s constitutionally recognised capital, Sucre, we scurried the 200 odd miles over rutas 5, 23 and 7 leading us into the urban sprawl that is Cochambamba.  The streets were saturated with photocopier shops, crammed in between kiosks bursting with processed junk, chips and salsa, banks of candy and great walls of electrified soda.  Hotels and motels…

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The African Pothole, by Kingsley Holgate

The French have their Eiffel Tower, the Dutch their tulips, the Irish their Guinness, the Cubans their cigars, the Spanish their bull fighting, and the British their tea. But, hey! We in Africa have the “Pothole”