OnX Goes 3D for Pre-run Planning

Like myself, many of you have enjoyed the OnX Offroad app since it launched in 2019. They have now expanded their service to include 3D mapping for unique trails and roads for planning and viewing purposes.

The benefits of diving into your route before you even turn off the pavement include viewing technical features on trails to plan on and navigate around. Knowing how steep the terrain is before dropping into it allows for safety protocols, as well as preparing for what you’re getting into and being comfortable with the situation before you head out. Preplanning your campsite location with the knowledge of the type of terrain surrounding it ensures peace of mind.

The app is in beta testing right now on iOS devices, usable with a two-fingers scroll up and down, and offers a great view of your selected terrain of the general area you’re headed into. OnX 3D is also available from your desktop using your mouse for the true planner. The app will be available on Android platforms in the near future.