A few years ago, my family volunteered to take care of a ranch in the mountains of Baja. Our pickup had carried us across the Americas and was soon stripped of all overland gear and repurposed temporarily as a farm truck. Unfortunately, I did not have the manpower to remove the aluminum topper, which had served us so well that the utility of the vehicle was thus limited. For many, their vehicles serve multiple purposes for work and adventure, and the Flated range of products are designed by outdoor gear and stand-up paddle industry veterans and leaders to make mobile and adventurous lifestyles simpler, more efficient, and ultimately more enjoyable.
Featuring high-tech drop-stitch construction, which uses tens of thousands of stitches to create a rigid shape and surface, Flated toppers, platforms, and carriers are waterproof, durable, and are said to inflate and deflate in minutes for convenient storage and ultimate convenience. Products come with a carry bag with backpack-style shoulder straps or roll up for quick and tidy storage.
The company’s flagship product is the Air-Topper, the world’s first inflatable truck shell, with initial models fitting Ford and Chevrolet standard and short bed trucks and Toyota Tacoma standard bed trucks. The Air-Topper features eight attachment points to secure to truck rails, tinted and roll-able vinyl side windows with zipping and removable side screens, and internal organizing pockets, all made of waterproof military-grade materials. All side and back windows are replaceable, and the Air-Topper comes complete with a high-pressure hand pump and an easy carry bag with shoulder straps.
The patent-pending Air-Carrier is a solution to heavy and cumbersome cargo boxes. Offering up to 23 cubic feet of added rooftop real estate, vehicles and drivers can head out for a beach day or a full-fledged summer road trip with a cargo carrier that fits in a storage closet. Like the Air-Topper, the Air-Carrier is easy to install, maximizes storage and cargo space, and stores in a carry bag. Available in medium- and large-size options.
Turning trucks, vans, and SUVs into roving homes on the road, the Air-Deck provides a comfortable sleeping pad while preserving precious cargo and storage space underneath. The large Air-Deck can be loaded up with blankets and pillows for the family, the medium affords space for couples, and a small accommodates a sleeping space for one on its personal-sized cot. Like all Flated products, the Air-Deck inflates and deflates and rolls up into a carry bag for quick and easy transformation from use to storage.
![Flated Inflatable Topper, Rooftop Storage Box, and Pickup Deck](https://expeditionportal.com/media/2022/05/Airdeckwithgoofymodel-640x480.jpg)
![Flated Inflatable Topper, Rooftop Storage Box, and Pickup Deck](https://expeditionportal.com/media/2022/05/Droneshotairdecktruck-640x464.jpg)
All Flated products are patent-pending and feature inflatable, deflatable, and easy transport and storage solutions for mobile lifestyles. Based in Carlsbad, California’s stand-up paddle and surf destination, the company continues to innovate and bring new solutions to anyone looking to get out more often with more ease.
All branded products are warrantied under the original purchaser for one year after the original purchase date. The guarantee covers only products manufactured by Flated and covers manufacturer’s defects only.
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