GPS mapping has changed the way we travel and explore. With the convenience of data at our fingertips, we are able to spend more time exploring and enjoying those beautiful routes and destinations and less time planning routes, and worrying about how far the next gas station or campsite will be. Having all the necessary information at our disposal is liberating. It is astounding how much accurate information is available to help us make the most of our precious time in the great outdoors.
Gaia Overland is designed by the in-house mapping team in conjunction with Chris Kracht and Wade May to be the definitive map for all of your overlanding, offroading, and motorized adventures. Modeled after the proprietary Gaia Topo map, Gaia Overland comes with the crystal-clear resolution and download efficiency of Gaia GPS with an emphasis on motorized travel. The maps are crafted to your specific needs for planning on the big screen before setting out and navigating from your dashboard, an iPad, or your phone on the road.
From major highways to unmaintained 4×4 tracks, you will have access to all the information necessary to make intelligent navigation decisions. Roads are emphasized, and trails closed to vehicles are deemphasized. For those heading far from the beaten track, Gaia Overland can be used offline for your entire trip so you can reroute on the move and navigate home – even far from cell service.

Gaia Overland displays roads, trails, public land boundaries, and all the other information on one map by sourcing information from Open Street Map, US Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM), US Forest Service road and trail data, and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) road and trail data.
The map displays everything from highways to forest service roads to double track and provides information regarding vehicle constraints, road closure info, road numbers, and mileage markers. Icons along the trail show what types of motorized vehicles are permitted, and you can determine whether ATVs or dirt bikes are permitted on the trails around camp.
Roads and trails pop from the map, and exaggerated road surface styling depicts the road surface type, i.e., paved, gravel, or dirt, maintained or unmaintained. The map displays more roads at lower zooms, and high-contrast coloring and bold fonts help you see where you are. Emphasized public land boundaries help you stay on the legal ground; bright colors show land ownership, so you can quickly tell whether you are on private, BLM, or national forest land. Campground symbols will show you where to find campsites and often what amenities are available, as well as route information such as potable water stops, gas and charging stations, hotels, post offices, grocery stores, and much more.
Using Gaia Overland offline, you will be able to efficiently problem solve on the move, while the Gaia GPS’s innovative snap-to-trail route planning tool is handy to reroute, explore side trails, and navigate back to a start point.
Conveniently, Gaia GPS connects with both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, so you can enjoy your favorite maps like Gaia Overland on your vehicle’s navigation screen, drop waypoints, follow turn-by-turn directions, and record tracks.
Find out more about Gaia Overland at
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