Ever had a rough day? This video will put that in perspective. It’s important to note, the jumper in this video survived, albeit with multiple injuries including a compressed vertebra, oodles of stitches, and bruises. We wish him a speedy recovery.
VOTD: Left-Foot Braking
Of the many skills to learn as a 4WD enthusiast, left foot braking is one of the most important.
VOTD Riding the Highest Road in the World
This is such a cool video, and I’m genuinely green with envy that I wasn’t on this trip. I guess I’ll have to settle for the video.
VOTD: Offroad People, Ural
If you ride motorcycles…heck, even if you don’t, you’ll want to watch this. It’s pure Russian motorcycle mayhem. It adds new meaning to “adventure” riding.
VOTD: Colorado BDR by Touratech
Chances are, many of you are motorcycle enthusiasts with your bikes tucked away in a cozy garage as winter thwarts your riding desires. Pull up a chair and watch someone else ride for three minutes. It might make you feel better.
VOTD: Top Gear UK, The Death Road Episode
It’s Christmas, and chances are if you’re here, you have some time to on your hands. Why not spend some of it with the boys at the BBC and Top Gear UK. This is one of the best “overlandy” segments they have ever done.
VOTD: That…is Steep
I admit, the resolution of this video is pretty terrible. However, it’s worth a watch.
VOTD: Kashmir on a Royal Enfield
These videos of exotic locations and an uncomplicated means of travel are inspirational, to say the least.
VOTD: Off-Road in Central and South America
VOTD: Oilfield Dodge, 1920’s Promotional Film
Credit where credit is due, this clip was brought to our attention by James Langan. This video is simply awesome. I feel like I compressed three vertebrae by watching it.
VOTD: The Range Rover Sport Breaks Empty Quarter Record
VOTD: Crossing a Siberian River, the Hard Way
It seems Russians and rivers are an endless source of entertaining videos. Like many great scenes, this one probably started with the phrase, “Hey, I have an idea…”
VOTD: Wander
VOTD: One Seriously Scary Road
This is an insane video. You just have to watch it to believe it. No intro is worthy of this three minute video. Watch it, and hang on.
The Scott Expedition: One Month In
Ben Saunders is now a month into his epic journey to the South Pole and back. He still has 1500 miles to go, which is an incredible distance to comprehend. You can follow his daily progress at http://scottexpedition.com/blog/scorchio
VOTD: Riding a Royal Enfield Through India
This is a cool sneak peek into the Royal Enfield factory with a nice travel video through India.
VOTD: Nazare Blow Up
Let’s get this out of the way. I am not a very bold, daring, or brave individual. The brand of courage on display in this video is for lack of a better word, astonishing.
VOTD: The Canning Stock Route in 7 G-Wagons
VOTD: Into the Mind, Trailer 1
Somewhere in the last couple years, video production made a quantum leap. Into The Mind is a ski video, but so much more. It’s a visual journey like none other. Even the brief trailer is amazing.
VOTD: A Day in India
One of the most enjoyable ways to experience a culture is through food. This video simply makes me crave the flavors of India.