YouTube is a near-boundless hub of information for just about any topic you can think of. Some of the videos are entertaining and hilarious, while others are simply helpful and informative. Rarely do you stumble across a mixture of both, but that’s what Team O’Neil has accomplished with their “Will It Rally” videos. In each episode, their staff dives into the specs of a vehicle: what they like and don’t like about its handling; how to beat the electronic traction aids; and most importantly, how it does on their rally course. Why is that entertaining? Because they often choose the least-appropriate vehicle possible, like a Toyota Corolla, Ford Explorer, and yes, even a Chevy Astrovan. The results are fascinating, and I can’t help but get sucked into a black hole of sliding, skidding fun. Don’t take my word for it, though, check out any of their awesome videos by checking out their channel below. You can thank me later.
Team O’Neil’s “Will It Rally” Videos are Hilarious Yet Somehow Informative