Are you a prepper with an unshakable conviction that the end is nigh but still want to get out there and enjoy nature while the Four Horsemen streak across the sky? Are you a danger tourist looking to explore war-torn territories or spend a season living among the grizzlies, or do you live in and travel through San Francisco? Boy, do we have a travel solution for you.
Mammoth Overland based in Woodinville, Washington, a subsidiary of Vashon Aircraft, has revealed its latest creation, the Extinction Level Event (ELE) off-road trailer. Designed to withstand apocalyptic conditions and any possible encounters while exploring the great outdoors, the ELE incorporates engineering, safety, and security features usually reserved for armored vehicles and safe rooms.
The ELE pronounced Ellie, is the result of President of Mammoth Overland Scott Taylor blending his passion for overlanding and his extensive experience in aircraft manufacturing.
“People ask me all the time if our trailers are bear-proof—and they are, technically. That got me thinking: ‘What if we made a trailer that’s truly bear-as well as apocalypse-proof?’ I grew up in Montana, and Montanans know a thing or two about bear-proofing and self-reliance. We designed ELE to aircraft standards. It can handle whatever campers might encounter, from bears to wildfires to social unrest, so overlanders can explore fearlessly.”

Constructed from double-walled, aerospace-grade aluminum sheeting and high-density foam insulation, the ELE boasts a king-size living space that can sustain 0.25 psi positive pressure thanks to the submarine-style pressure doors, each featuring four pins that extend into the walls with the turn of a lever. The positive pressure is intended to keep harmful particles from entering the cabin, while the integrated medical-grade E.L. Foust air filtration system can completely purge and refill the cabin with purified air within three minutes, providing up to six months of clean air. Additionally, the trailer can refill and filter its 22-gallon water tank in just 10 minutes while you reload the AR and sip on a chardonnay from the six-bottle wine rack.

Among its unique features is the Bear-Spray Defense System. With the push of a button, the trailer’s exterior is enveloped in a 25 by 10-foot-wide cloud of potent bear spray, keeping bears and would-be intruders at bay! Lockable weapons storage for handguns and rifles is included for extra self-defense measures.
For added protection and observation capabilities, ELE offers a rooftop observation platform accessible through a top hatch and a roof-mounted Drone Launch System. A gimbal-mounted, boom-operated night-vision camera links to the onboard computer system for exterior monitoring. Occupants can view drone and night-vision camera footage, weather, and radiological conditions on a 32-inch TV, thanks to the built-in weather station and Geiger counter.

The ELE’s front end features steel armoring to shield against tree and rock strikes, while the underbody is steel skid-plated, providing R20-level insulation. Standard amenities include air-conditioning, an ICOM dual-band radio communication system, Starlink internet, and a 32-inch television screen.

Power is supplied by four Renogy 100-amp-hour smart lithium-ion-phosphate batteries with self-heating technology, offering up to 20 hours of electricity. The batteries can be recharged while driving or via two 100-watt, lightweight, flexible solar panels that rest on the exterior Roam awning. A Wen portable gasoline generator provides additional power.

The base price for a fully loaded Mammoth Overland ELE trailer is $67,000, with optional Level 3 bullet-proofing available for an extra $25,000. Hopefully, a camouflage paint scheme will also be available as the eye-watering orange and black color scheme does not exactly scream stealth. When considering the cost of the trailer, consider that the garden variety Tacoma or Gladiator is not going to cut the mustard when the apocalyptic dwang hits the fan. You might want to consider an Oshkosh M-ATV MRAP (7.62×51mm NATO (.308 in) M240 machine gun optional) or an armored Unimog; regardless, your tow vehicle needs to be at least as tough as the ELE trailer, if not more so, and both should feature run-flat tires. And, you will want to be sure that the trailer hitch can be locked lest your fortress becomes a mobile prison.
Built to order, the ELE will make its public debut at Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Arizona, from May 19-21, 2023, at the Mammoth Overland booth L17.
Mammoth Overland is currently accepting deposits for ELE’s limited production run, with deliveries scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023. More information about the ELE can be found on the Mammoth Overland website:
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Read more: Arksen Unveils Range of Overland Vehicles, Graeme Bell