La Aduana: Bio-Diesel Toyota Dyna Firetruck Overland Camper

Have you ever thought to yourself how cool it would be to have a right hand drive Japanese firetruck with a bio-diesel engine and a covered rooftop deck accessed with a fold-out spiral staircase? Ya, me too.

Unfortunately, such trucks are rather rare, but there is one up for grabs. Currently used as a promotional truck by BioLite, this former firetruck has serious adventure potential. In fact, it has proven itself as a true travel platform. It completed the longest recorded overland journey ever attempted without the use of petroleum based fuels. In addition to a lap of the United States, it drove from the tippy-top of Alaska to the southernmost end of South America.


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Initially imported into Canada, and then the United States, “Baby,” as she is affectionately named, also features a full compliment of travel features like a slide-out tent on the side and an upper deck with a full canopy. It has an extensive power system that uses solar, wind, and hydroelectric generators to feed electricity to a large bank of batteries. With those systems, Baby can remain juiced up for days when stationary.

Powering Baby is a 6-cylinder 12-HT turbo-diesel engine with custom linkage to a 4-speed Toyota 4×4 transmission with low range. The vegetable oil system consists of twin fuel tanks and a complete on-board processing system which can convert any natural oil to useable fuel. Electrical power is produced by dual alternators: a 12V system to power accessories, and a 24V alternator to control the starter, headlights and other primary electronics.

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The current owners of the truck have been tireless with their attention to maintenance and preemptive repairs. They have added a new computerized engine and exhaust monitoring system as well as a new AC and noise dampening components. The truck will be sold with an extensive book of repair and maintenance records and receipts.


Repairs include:

  • Rebuilt engine
  • New coolant and hydraulic fluids, lines and filters
  • All new fluids throughout
  • New clutch assembly
  • Machined fly-wheel
  • New front and rear main seal
  • Painted frame rails
  • New water pump, thermostat and cooling components
  • Re-fabricated front coils
  • All new filters throughout
  • New braking system
  • Fresh tires

As is true for any unique vehicle of this kind, there are still a few things left to be addressed. The most noteworthy is the custom driveshaft. The tanks for the vegetable oil are prone to crack, but represent an easy and inexpensive fix.

It doesn’t get anymore unique than this, and putting a value on such a vehicle requires some serious introspection for the buyer and seller. Given the extensive amount of time and energy that went into the project, the sellers are starting the sale at $29,000.


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For more information contact:

Alec Drummond



Christophe Noel is a journalist from Prescott, Arizona. Born into a family of backcountry enthusiasts, Christophe grew up backpacking the mountains and deserts of the American West. An avid cyclist and bikepacker, he also has a passion for motorcycles, travel, food and overlanding.