Once again, the depths of the forum have churned up an amazing trailer build from one of ExPo’s users. This time it’s Rutdigger from Springs Colorado, with his own solution to the UEV440. Many of you are probably familiar with the Conqueror trailer, and have at some point or another spent time drooling on your keyboard because of it. For those who don’t know, it looks like this.
The problem with this beautiful piece of equipment is that like many awesome vehicles, we can’t get them here. So if you don’t have the $70,000 for purchase plus additional fees for shipping, what do you do?
If you’re Rutdigger, you take matters into your own hands and put your fabrication skills to the test. From the frame to the walls and even the tent, he built his own version of this australian back country palace. The final product and the work he did to get there is impressive to say the least. We’ve thrown together a few photos as well as a link to the updated build thread. Take a look and be sure to see his full build thread below!

Check out the build thread here!