Expeditions West: 2010 in Pictures


Nearly 30 countries and 20,000 miles of adventure.

January: South America – Crossing the Andes to Routa 40 in a RTW Defender. (Jorge Valdes, Driver)
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F4, 1/1600


February: Overland Training Course, Arizona (Paul May, Graham Jackson and Scott Brady)
Marcos Weskamp, Nikon D300, 10-20mm, F8, 1/320


March: Utah, testing the AEV JK Hemi (Dave Harriton Driver)
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/250


April: Moab, Utah. Jeep Grand Canyon Testing (Jeremy Edgar Driver)
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/60


J8, May
May: Smiley Rock Trail testing the J8 Jeep. Spotter Brian McVickers
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/160


June: Dave fly fishing in Arizona
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F6.3, 1/160


July in Andora
July: Andora, testing the Jimny before leaving across Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Mongolia
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/320


August in Tajikistan
August: The Wakhan Corridor between Tajikistan and Afghanistan
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/250. Converted to grey scale


September: Mongolia along the remote and rugged Northern Road.
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 1/320

October: Driving above the Colorado River during the Land Rover National Rally
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 9-18mm, F8, 1/80


November: The Pacific Coast of Baja, Mexico
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F8, 4s with tripod.


December in Lesotho
December: Lesotho, Africa, just after climbing Sani Pass
Image: Scott Brady, E-3, 12-60mm, F3.5, 1/125

Note: This 2010 is pictures was inspired by Photoman and Kurt Williams threads on 2010 Pictures

Scott is the publisher and co-founder of Expedition Portal and Overland Journal. His travels by 4WD and adventure motorcycle span all seven continents and include three circumnavigations of the globe. His polar travels include two vehicle crossings of Antarctica and the first long-axis crossing of Greenland. He lives in Prescott, Arizona IG: @scott.a.brady Twitter: @scott_brady