We received two blankets to assess while visiting a group of overlanders in Florida. Yes, Florida the state in least need of blankets. We have since used the blankets—one down and the other synthetic—for almost a year as we traveled entirely by vehicle to Maine in fall, across to the Pacific Northwest in the middle of winter, and then down south to steaming Central America.
The blankets we have tested are the Down For Adventure queen-size quilts, and, to be honest, it is near impossible to review these products separately as they are essentially identical, both in appearance and performance. The only real-world differences are that the duck-down quilt is slightly thicker, and the cleaning properties and procedures are slightly different for both.
These blankets are large (54 x 90 inches) with sufficient width and length for tall people. During the hot summer months, we used the quilts as comforters and, at times, slept on top of as opposed to under the quilts, which added a bit of luxury to our basic camper setup (for the first six months of our journey across the USA, our family of four toured in a Range Rover Classic equipped with a wedge rooftop tent, an awning with walls and two stretchers). During the cold winter months, we explored in a heated Nimbl Camper, combined the quilts with appropriate winter sleepwear, and layered up. Once, while camping in two feet of Idaho snow, the camper heater failed, but the blankets did not let us down.
Both blankets resist dirt, are moderately water resistant, and machine washable (wash cold and tumble dry with a tennis ball or two to avoid clumping). Compact and lightweight, both blankets stuff into small carrier bags (which we no longer use as the bedding is left in the camper) and are perfect for hiking, tent camping, heading to the beach for a sunset campfire (sand just slides off these quilts), or keeping warm during a winter drive in an old Land Rover with insufficient heating.
While excellent travel blankets, there is one significant drawback: these blankets are slippery! The nylon outer material may be excellent at resisting dirt, but it is equally resistant to any type of friction; luckily, the quilts are large, and you are able to wrap yourself up. If sleeping on an elevated bed (i.e., a stretcher), the blankets will sneak off during the night, but this is less of a problem on a near-flat surface. We eventually learned to wrap an arm and a leg around the blanket and hold on for dear life. The other small gripe is that the blankets are only available in one shade of black, but that is a near non-issue.

The Down For Adventure queen-size quilts are advertised as all-season blankets, and we have confirmed that this is, in fact, true. Hardy and durable, the inner material type seems irrelevant unless you have a preference. These quilts are affordable and will last more than a few years, especially if they are cared for correctly. The slickness of the quilt’s exterior may drive some users to distraction, and if you are a fussy sleeper, easily woken and irritable, these blankets may not be for you. If, however, you can adapt your sleeping style and sleep on a flat surface while on the road, these blankets will serve you very well.
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