In this installment, Alpine Tactics (aka Shaun) embarks on a transformative trip through Southern Utah with his two kids (Brooklyn and Henry) and friends Ryan and Alexa (aka @rneptune). However, this is more than a movie; it and shares an important message that the overlanding community needs to hear.
As the episode begins, Shaun reminisces on the good ole days and discloses that, more recently, he’s not felt the same excitement for trips. With so many adventures under his belt, they’d all started to feel the same, but this was about to change. The rigs, a Toyota Tacoma and Lexus GX460, head to Utah to complete the Upper Barracks Trail alongside the stunning Virgin River. Shaun explains that he would not miss the opportunity to complete this route, which, like so many trails across the US, is under threat of closure. With this in mind, the importance of Leave No Trace and preserving access is a key theme throughout, and for good reason. There is a growing movement to restrict motorized access to many established backcountry routes in the interest of wilderness protection. As a member of both camps, I respect and understand arguments on both sides, but feel that in many cases, closures are short-sighted. After all, limiting access to pre-existing trails will inevitably increase traffic and impact elsewhere (I recommend listening to the Snail Trail podcast to learn more). That night, they set up at an idyllic camp spot, and Shaun begins to rediscover his spark for adventure by living vicariously through his kids. Watching them play by the river, engage with the wildlife, and participate around camp ignites in Shaun that same childlike curiosity that exists in all of us.
The next morning, in love with their surroundings, they embrace a slower morning at camp and are rewarded with “snow” from the Cottonwood trees. After numerous river crossings, they eventually hit the road and stop at the Belly of the Dragon cave before continuing to Peek-A-Boo Canyon. The trail into the latter is characterized by deep sand, and en route, they help recover bogged tourists who’d not aired down their tires (watch Airing Down for Off-road Conditions to learn more). They eventually arrive at the slot canyon, where, once again, the kids’ wonder and excitement steal the show.
This episode delivered in all the ways I’d hoped and some I wasn’t expecting. The videography is beautiful, the rigs are awesome, Utah is majestic, and Shaun’s storytelling is exceptional. It was magical seeing a father relinquish his love for adventure by living vicariously through his kids and, in doing so, reminding us all how crucial it is to preserve access for future generations. If you’d like to follow Alpine Tactics latest trips, you can follow along on Instagram.
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