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Woods Begins his 4,250 Mile Walk of the River Nile

You would think all of the world’s greatest expeditionary challenges have been conquered, but courageous exploits continue to be undertaken by brave men and women every year. Levison Wood is such a man, his bold challenge is to walk the full length of the River Nile. This 4,250 mile epic will consume a year of his time and take him through Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan and conclude on the Mediterranean shores of Egypt.

Speaking of his journey, which began just this week, he said, “Walking the Nile is not just the most memorable and demanding expedition I’ve ever undertaken. It’s an amazing opportunity for me to report on all the incredibly positive stories that come out of Africa. Physically and mentally challenging, it will push me to the limit, requiring levels of resilience and determination that just cannot be prepared for. Despite the inherent risks, I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

Wood is certainly no stranger to travel or daunting projects. The co-founder of Secret Compass, one of the world’s most ambitious expeditionary travel companies, Wood has traveled to more than 80 countries. A former officer in the British Parachute Regiment, he is a logistical specialist trained to overcome the most difficult expedition scenarios.


Fueling Wood’s ambitious walk is the desire to report on the changing face of that part of the world. Not shielded by the confines of a vehicle, he will be amongst the people where he can best interact with the cultures and nuances of the landscape. The trip will also be part of a four-part documentary. From all of us at Overland International, we wish Levison good luck.



You can follow Levison’s progress HERE.

Christophe Noel is a journalist from Prescott, Arizona. Born into a family of backcountry enthusiasts, Christophe grew up backpacking the mountains and deserts of the American West. An avid cyclist and bikepacker, he also has a passion for motorcycles, travel, food and overlanding.