You might find this hard to believe, but most of us here at Expedition Portal and Overland Journal live and breath four-wheel drives. On any given weekend, you’ll find us out exploring the trails and backroads surrounding our hometowns, and taking every chance we get to go camping—but we do, in fact, have other interests. Rock-climbing, paddle-boarding, shooting, fly-fishing, and cycling are among some of our more prominent hobbies, and we love to see these activities pursued by other overlanders, especially when they make epic videos for us to geek out on. That’s exactly what Vermont Overland did just under a year ago with a series called the Road Less Traveled. It follows the sport of gravel riding on Vermont’s scenic roads, and yes, even includes some footage of their seriously awesome Land Rovers. We recommend you check out the whole series, but decided to post their second video, one of our favorites, below. Happy trails!
Video of the Week: Roads Less Traveled