As travelers, we always need a knife, but it is difficult to carry a blade that meets all international regulations. For example, knife laws in London are some of the most restrictive in the country, but you can carry a folding blade of less than three inches. Regulations vary widely, but we still need a knife for everyday tasks.
Over the years, I have shifted from knives that clip to my pocket, to one that goes into my pocket. I do still use ready-access blades from time to time, but after a extensive training with Steve Tarani (one of the world’s foremost edged weapons experts), I reevaluated my approach, and decided that either A LOT more training was required, or I would revert back to a more practical application of a knife—utility. As a result, I started carrying a practical pocket knife (a PDX Scout), which met all of the international regulations, or when on the motorcycle, a multi-tool in a jacket pocket.

Over time, my EDC continues to get more practical and more minimal, so when I received the news announcement of this Terrain 365 framelock, it piqued my attention. It is the size of a dog tag, and is made from rustproof, edge-holding Terravantium. It is 100 percent non-ferrous and non-magnetic, which has numerous advantages for the overlander and traveler.
We have not had the opportunity to test the unit yet (it was just announced), but the small size should be considered if making this unit a primary carry blade. I see the size, weight, and simplicity as an advantage, particularly when worn around the neck or slipped into casual clothing when walking around the streets of Baku. | $179
(note, will not go live until 1300 PST on 16 December)
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