After four years on the road, Stevie, Tree, and Soleil have sold the Sprinter and are returning to the States. Their Sprinter has been their home through sixteen countries as they’ve wandered South America in search of adventure, meeting new friends, adopting new pets, getting married, and even having a baby. Their writings and imagery have been an inspiration to fellow travelers around the world.

It’s true. We’re leaving South America. Tickets are bought. The van is gone. The Pan-American road trip is coming to an end. Honestly, it’s hard for us to wrap our brains around this enormous, imminent change in our lifestyle. We keep asking ourselves, Is this really happening? Did we make the right choice? Is this the end of Sprinter Life?
The past six months have been incredibly tumultuous. To give you an idea, we’ve changed our flights no less than four times. Originally, the plan was to stay in South America one more year, spend another summer in Patagonia, hit Ushuia, and then drive up the Pacific Coast again and ship home from Peru or Ecuador, or possibly even Colombia. But then a friend expressed interest in buying the van in Argentina at the end of 2014, and that got our wheels spinning. In the end, the buyer backed out, but the homebound wheels were set in motion. After much deliberation, we realized that it was best for us to temporarily return to the States for a multitude of reasons–some business related, and some logistical (Soleil doesn’t fit in her car seat anymore, and the Sprinter lacks a third seat).
We wish them luck on their (temporary?) return to domestic life, and look forward to reading about their future adventures. View the full article, and the rest of their journey so far, at Sprinter Life.