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Episode 81 Nena Barlow talks essential skills for backcountry overlanding

  Show Notes for Podcast #81  Nena Barlow talks essential skills for backcountry overlanding Summary: Matt Scott and Scott Brady interview Nena Barlow about her favorite Jeeps, her competitive success with the Rebelle Rally, and the essential skills for exploring the backcountry. Guest Bio:  Nena Barlow Owner Nena Barlow grew up in the Southwest, exploring…

Episode 78 Brazilian overlanders Sergio and Eleni of @projetomundocao

  Show Notes for Podcast #78  Summary: Ashley Giordano interviews Brazilian overlanders Sergio and Eleni of @projetomundocao about how an object in an unexpected location changed their lives forever, leading to nearly a decade of travel in their 2000 Land Rover Defender 110.   Guest Bio:  I’m Sergio, 48 years old and I worked all…

Episode 77 Full Size Overland Truck of the Year

  Show Notes for Podcast #77 Full size trucks of 2021 Summary: Matt Scott, Matt Swartz, and Scott Brady discuss the 2022 Full-size Truck of the Year award and the detailed insights into the evaluated models. We discuss the Nissan Titan XD, Ford F250 Tremor, GMC Sierra 2500 HD AT4, Ram Power Wagon, Ram 2500 Cummins…

Episode 76 Scott Brady interviews Sean Gorman, discussing travel and expeditions around the globe.

  Show Notes for Podcast #76 Sean Gorman: Adventurer and 4WD Expert Summary: Scott Brady interviews Sean Gorman, discussing travel and expeditions around the globe.     Guest Bio: Sean Gorman  Sean Gorman is the founder of Sea2Summit Experiences, an automotive consulting business specializing in off road drive experiences, long range expedition preparation, off road…

Episode 75 2021 Gear of the Year

  Show Notes for Podcast #75  Gear of the Year 2021 Summary: Matt and Scott riff on the best gear of the year, the ultimate new SUV’s, trucks, and campers Host Bios: Scott Brady Scott is the publisher and co-founder of Expedition Portal and Overland Journal and is often credited with popularizing overlanding in North…

Episode 73 Interviewing Nick Taylor

  Show Notes for Podcast #73   Summary: Interview with Nick Taylor Guest Bio:  NICK TAYLOR A Colorado-based Brit–originally from Sunderland–and a Chartered Engineer and technologist who became a devotee of the worlds deserts. He’s lived in half a dozen countries and traveled to over 70. Over the last 15 years he’s extensively traveled in…

Episode 72 Interviewing Scott Brady, Overlander and Publisher

  Show Notes for Podcast #72 Summary: Matt Scott and Ashley Giordano interview Scott Brady, the Publisher of Expedition Portal and Overland Journal. Scott has overlanded across all seven continents and shares his insights on vehicle-based travel and his path to adventure. Guest Bio:  SCOTT BRADY Scott Brady is an adventure traveler, photographer, and publisher….

Episode 71 Interviewing Bill Dragoo, Global Adventure Rider, Trainer, and Storyteller

  Show Notes for Podcast #71 Summary: Scott Brady interviews Bill Dragoo, accomplished adventure motorcycle traveler, trainer, and journalist. Bill was a finalist in the GS Trophy, and has prepared multiple ADV Motorcycles and 4WD overland vehicles for global travel. Guest Bio:  As a moto-journalist, Certified BMW factory-trained off-road instructor, and Certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation…

Episode 69 Interviewing Rachelle Croft, Competitive Driver and Global Overlander

Show Notes for Podcast #69  Interviewing Rachelle Croft, Competitive Driver and Global Overlander  Summary We have the opportunity to interview Rachelle Croft, successful business leader, accomplished international rally driver, and global overland adventurer.  Guest Bio Montana native, Rachelle Croft, has always had her eye on adventure. Married to Clay Croft, mom to three boys and…

Episode 65 Rebelle Rally 2021

  Show Notes for Podcast #65 Rebelle Rally 2021 Summary:  Ashley Giordano, Matt Scott, and Scott Brady discuss the most recent Rebelle Rally, including the vehicles, tactics, and winning teams. Host Bios:  Scott Brady Scott is the publisher and co-founder of Expedition Portal and Overland Journal and is often credited with popularizing overlanding in North…

Episode 64 Jim Markel, Gear Designer and Global Overlander

  Show Notes for Podcast Episode #64 Summary: Scott Brady interviews Jim Markel, Co-Founder of RedOxx, former Marine, and global overland traveler. Guest Bio: Born in Italy to a military family, Red Oxx CEO Jim Markel has lived around the world and around the U.S.A. from coast to coast. Joining the Marines after high school,…

Episode 63 Luisa Bell Global adventurer and overlander

  Show Notes for Podcast Episode #63 Luisa Bell Global adventurer and overlander Summary: Ashley Giordano interviews Luisa Bell on global travel in a Defender 130, crossing continents with your family, and managing life in the developing world. Host Bio: Ashley Giordano Ashley Giordano completed a 48,800-kilometer overland journey from Canada to Argentina with her…

Episode 62 Interviewing Duncan Barbour, Camel Trophy Coordinator and Global Overlander

  Show Notes for Podcast Episode #62 Interviewing Duncan Barbour, Camel Trophy Coordinator and Global Overlander Summary: Matt Scott and Scott Brady interview Camel Trophy and 7P Overland legend Duncan Barbour. Duncan shares his joy of international travel, working with a team, and learning about the essentials of adventure. Duncan digs deep into the importance…