If you’ve ever walked the isles of SEMA, ogling the trucks wishing one could be yours, now is the chance. This AEV Brute was one of those trucks and is now available for sale. Currently offered by RubiTrux of Boone, North Carolina, this Brute’s most impressive feature is its engine. To quote Joe Dirt, “Dang, is that a Hemi?” Yes it is. This Brute has a Hemi power plant, custom Dana 44 and 60 goodies and all of this sits on 37” BFG KM2 rubber. RubiTrux didn’t offer much additional information, but I’m sure anyone with $65,000 in hand will find all the answers they need to seal the deal. For the rest of us, we’ll continue to walk amidst the trucks at SEMA and wish someday…
La Aduana: AEV Hemi Brute