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Interbike 2009 – Day 2: Gear & Accessories

I was able to visit with several manufacturers this morning, so here are a few more photos of some new products:

Ortlieb has a few new products in their line of great packs. Some features include sturdy t-grips on zippers, lockable mounts, and integrated hydration system ports. They were also quoted as saying that Overland Journal is one of their favorite reads around the office! http://www.ortlieb.com

Keen now offers clipless shoes, randing from sandals to a stylish casual shoe. They all look like they’d be comfortable to walk in, as well as for riding. http://www.keenfootwear.com

The Garmin Edge bike computer GPS (on the left) has the capability to show basemaps as well as heartrate. http://www.garmin.com

Fairly new to the adventure video camera scene, Epic now offers a second product to their lineup: the “Wide” which offers a 168-degree wide angle lens. They also have a waterproof housing (good to 20ft), as well as several different mounting options for a variety of activities. http://www.epicstealthcam.com