Happy Thanksgiving!

The Expedition Portal and Overland Journal staff would like to take a moment to wish our readers and their loved ones a very happy Thanksgiving, and to say THANK YOU for your continued support of our publications and this community.

We’d also like to extend a special thank you to those men and women serving our country and communities who aren’t able to be with their families to celebrate this holiday. Whether they’re members of the armed forces, police, or firefighters, we’d like them to know that we appreciate the sacrifice they make to ensure we can all enjoy these special occasions.

Our team would also like to take this opportunity to talk to you about Black Friday. As you know, many outdoor brands and enthusiasts have been taking part in the Opt Outside movement these past few years, and we’d like to encourage you to do the same. This means skipping the lines, crowds, and chaos of Friday’s shopping extravaganzas, disengaging from the marketing frenzy, and celebrating the holiday by spending time with the ones you love and enjoying this beautiful world around us. Take a hike, paddle a canoe, drive a few back roads, or have a campfire with some friends—just be sure to get out there and enjoy nature. Well, we’re all off to prepare for our own adventures tomorrow; we hope to see you out there.

Happy holidays, and safe travels!

– The Expedition Portal and Overland Journal staff

Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Chris didn’t receive a real taste of the outdoors until moving to Prescott, Arizona, in 2009. While working on his business degree, he learned to fly and spent his weekends exploring the Arizona desert and high country. It was there that he fell in love with backcountry travel and four-wheel drive vehicles, eventually leading him to Overland Journal and Expedition Portal. After several years of honing his skills in writing, photography, and off-road driving, Chris now works for the company full time as Expedition Portal's Senior Editor while living full-time on the road.

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