For many enthusiasts, a Defender 110 is a dream truck on its own, but a three-door version with an Alucab pop-top is the holy grail, and that’s exactly what we have here today. This clean truck is currently for sale in the Seattle Washington area. It’s a 1986, but has been upgraded with a 1994 200tdi diesel engine and r380 transmission. The Icarus pop-top is practically new, and the interior has been accented with a build-out made from red cedar. Living systems include an Espar diesel heater for keeping the cabin toasty in the winter, a 6L hot water system, a freshwater tank with an external tap, and a SMEV Italian sink and cooktop. On the opposite side of the sink, you’ll find an Engel MT17 fridge that tucks neatly out of the way and can serve as a seat. Unfortunately, the rest of the advertisement is somewhat vague. No mileage has been listed, nor any information on the suspension or off-road modifications. What we do know is that it is listed at $46,000 USD, which could be a very good deal if the mileage and condition are right.
To learn more, visit the original advertisement here.