99' XJ: Slowly Going Down Under.


you can always swap your injectors that will help gain some mpg

I could. Nice little JY find.

nice build! I should have kept my '01 XJ. Hindsight and 2020

Thank you!

Looks good! Can't wait to see how your XJ progresses. I may be crazy but did I spot a cascadia now sticker in your rear passenger window?

Thanks. Yes... yes you did!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
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Nice. We love my wife's 2002 Forester. This spring we had a tree fall on it and dent in the roof a bit, and the corner of the hood. Too expensive to fix on a 130k 12 year old car. She said she wanted to keep it anyway and is still driving it. Watch for the head gasket, (if you smell oil burning, check for this) but other than that, these cars are dead on realiable and can go most places an unmodified 4x4 can. My wife uses hers everyday on our farm... last weekend had her pulling bushes out with her subie and a tow strap, while I changed out ujoints on the jeep.



Nice. We love my wife's 2002 Forester. This spring we had a tree fall on it and dent in the roof a bit, and the corner of the hood. Too expensive to fix on a 130k 12 year old car. She said she wanted to keep it anyway and is still driving it. Watch for the head gasket, (if you smell oil burning, check for this) but other than that, these cars are dead on realiable and can go most places an unmodified 4x4 can. My wife uses hers everyday on our farm... last weekend had her pulling bushes out with her subie and a tow strap, while I changed out ujoints on the jeep.


EVerything was serviced at the local Subaru dealership last year (paper work provided by the PO), so I should be good to go for sometime, but yes I have heard about the horror stories of these Subaru eating their head gaskets. Here's to a however-long ownership! Thanks John.


Here in the Willamette Valley, we see our snow about once or so a year and it is always just a trace. Finally, yesterday we got a decent amount of snow in turn, which in turn amounted to lots of time driving around town ;). The Subaru preformed flawlessly.

I. Love. It. by Bucky Images, on Flickr

Buried. by Bucky Images, on Flickr


I just read all the way through your build thread and at the end saw that you sold it. Ha I don't know what to say, awesome build and hope you had a good time with it. Be careful with the Subaru, my wifes Forester just blew its head gasket on us.


I just read all the way through your build thread and at the end saw that you sold it. Ha I don't know what to say, awesome build and hope you had a good time with it. Be careful with the Subaru, my wifes Forester just blew its head gasket on us.

Yep, it is in good hands now with it's new owner in Portland, OR. I enjoyed it, and made me have a deep appreciation for vehicles and the modifications we make to them. It'll always have a soft spot in my heart, being the first vehicle I really made 'my own'.

So I've heard. All major maintenance, including the HG, were performed prior to me purchasing the vehicle. I made damn sure it was up to good mechanical spec because I have heard some wicked stories with the 2.5L. Just like anything though, if it's not maintained, I don't care how bulletproof your engine is, it's going to blow. Good journey thus far with the Subaru, but i'm currently entertaining the idea of selling and going back to a 3rd Gen 4Runner. We shall see how it plays out.

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