show your cb radio and antenna install


i searched but didnt see it anywhere. im not looking neccissarily for vehicle specific, just some ideas of what others have done and maybe get some ideas of my own. so go ahead and post your cb radio install as well as your cb antenna setup. dont forget to post what equipment you have! thanks, Gregg

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
In my old Toyota I put my Uniden 510 in the slot where the ashtray went. Perfect fit. Ran the antenna wire under the carpet to the rear wind wing. Magnet mount antenna connected through that. Worked well for highway travel and caravans on the trail.


here's my setup, just finished the console the other day but have had the radio for over a year now, cobra ultra 19, walmart for $35 and dual 4 ft fiberglass whips, they are bolted to the toolbox with a 90 deg bracket, and apparently i already uploaded another photo into a different thread so i cant put it in this thread? kinda dumb


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heres my setup.

when i go to black carpet ill hide the mounts and wiring under the carpet.


with a 3" firestick mounted to the fender using a ford superduty pickup mount. drilled 3 holes for the mount and put it just far enough forward to where i can see it from the drivers seat so i can watch it on the branches.


does anyone know a place to get cheap mic mounts? i got a black rubber band around mine hanging from the rearview, not a prolem just looks tacky
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No pics of my cb install but I have a pic that you can somewhat see my antennae. There was already a cb mount on the roof so that's where I installed a new Firestick II. I have a cheap Midaland CB.



This is my HAM and cb setup, or at least it's progression. Started with a Cobra in dash but took it out to make room for my 2m setup. Sold the Cobra and bought a Cobra 75.

The Cobra 75 is a cb all in the mic so it's a little big. I made a mount for it so I didn't have to throw it in the passenger seat or drill holes in the dash to hold it.


Here is the Cobra in it's place.


Yaseu in dash.

Here is the other mic holder. I typically put the 2m mic there because it's smaller and the radio has an external speaker.


Antennas are mag mounts. Wilson Lil wil for the CB and a Larson NMO for the 2m (1/4 and 1/2 wave, both work on the NMO).


OverCamping Specialist
Cobra 29 Nightwatch I bought back around 1999 I think.
Great radio, and it is pumped up to 25 watts.
I use a Firestik II 4' antenna on a "Bandi" mount that replaces a plastic cap on the rear FJ door.
You can see it to the left of the ladder.
Very ingenious mount, you simply pull off the stock Toyota plastic cap, and install the metal one where the original one was installed.
The guy that came up with the design over on's site later sold the patent to All Pro OffRoad.

Also shown is a Yaesu 857D ham radio, very good unit.
I have an Atas-120 antenna for it.





I use the CB quite a bit, as it is a very valuable tool for getting traffic info.
Quite often there are wrecks on the freeway I take home from work, and sitting at work warming up my rig I can jump on channel 17 and get a report.
If there are major delays, I take a different way home that only takes about five minutes longer than the freeway, but at least I will not be stuck in traffic.

And for the trail runs I feel a CB is superior over ham.
Reason is anyone can get a CB, and there tends to be more chatter on trail runs, something you do not really want to tie up the ham bands with.


thats a great setup man, one question though. what is that dildo looking thing on your front bumper?

how do you like the nightwatch? how hard was it to bump up the power? how much extra range did you gain from it?


looking good. that stand never gets in your way at all?

Nope they don't get in the way even though the 4Runner interior is small. The 2m cord is pretty light gauge and very flexible were as the Cobra cord is at least 50% longer and about 75% stiffer. I wish is wasn't so long as I have to drape the cord over the shifters just to keep it out of the way. The mic for it plugs in to a control box on the passenger side center console near where your left foot would be.


OverCamping Specialist
thats a great setup man, one question though. what is that dildo looking thing on your front bumper?

how do you like the nightwatch? how hard was it to bump up the power? how much extra range did you gain from it?
The dildo is the Yaesu Atas-120 screwdriver antenna.
It works good on multi band radios such as my 857D.

I like the Nightwatch very much as it has a built in SWR meter.
It is a little big, but it is not in the way of anyone in the passenger area.

A shop several years ago put the powerchip in there to bump it from 4 watts to 25 watts.
It punches out very well.


I don't want to bogart this post but have question for you experts.

I have newly poeder coate roof rack and want to install a CB antenna.
Will or should I strip the powder coating for better grounding? Is that necessary?


I don't want to bogart this post but have question for you experts.

I have newly poeder coate roof rack and want to install a CB antenna.
Will or should I strip the powder coating for better grounding? Is that necessary?

yes you should just an area big enough to get good contact for the ground... get a small eyelet connector for the ground and use that as basis for the size of area you need to have as bare metal

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