Jeep ZJ Spare Tire Carrier


Ok so I got thinking again about building a rear tire carrier for the zj. Sure they sell them, but at this point in my life I'm happy if I get my current bills paid each month. So building one will be the only way to accomplish this.

So I could remove the plastic rear bumper and spend god knows how many hours cutting and shaping new metal to follow the lines of the not square (should have bought an xj) grand.

Or I could fab up something that uses the existing receiver hitch for a stable platform. I was looking at it last night and the sides of the hitch have an open square tube that would easily except another piece of T.S. that could then turn and either exit through the existing bumper or bend under and up to support your typical swing away rear tire carrier.

I'm winded....So I guess my question is, has anyone else already done something like this?

I built a gas can carrier that fit into the receiver hitch awhile back, but didn't really like the function. I think this new concept would be very stable (no flex) when wide open do to it being secured solidly at both ends.


Expedition Leader
Take a look at Detours Tailbone system for the XJ.. it's similar in concept. I dont think he offers a ZJ application, but it you can design your own behind the stock bumper cap.
Why not find a straight line across the ZJ rear bumper, cut the bumper there, then bring straight steel up to the cut bumper. Paint the steel the same color as the plastic portion and....voila! easy to fab HD rear bumper that also matches the contours of the funky ZJ rear end.

FYI~ I saw this method applied to the front end on a Toyata Sequoia and it looked fantastic!

This method would obviously apply to any rig that has a factory plastic front/rear bumper.


Back when I owned a ZJ I had an idea of creating what would look like a rear push bar coming off the hitch, it would have acted as a slider to keep from pulling the rear plastic off and offered more protection for the gas tank. If the hitch is a class 3 mounted with the long plates that run along the gas tank, 3 bolts per side, I think it would work great. The load would be spread out nicely along the uni-body. There was a hitch I saw with only 2 bolts per side and short mounting arms, looked pretty flimsy and didn't spread the load out for the uni-body. Hey, you could even make it removable, that way you don't always have to swing the carrier out of the to get to the hatch, it can be a pain at times.



Expedition Leader
here is what i did with my commander




when you are not using it you can take it off to save weight.:elkgrin:

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