Sheep Crossing 04/06/08 ARIZONA

sgt rock

The story behind this picture was a family of moving rocks that were heading from the water to there home. The driver of the JK was backing up and did not notice them from behind. Father rock got stuck under the Jeep and was extricated from his pinned position from a great team that goes by the Rock Rescue Squad.

First aid was given to the grateful rock and they continued on there migration journey to Death Valley Racetrack.











sheep crossing is north of phoenix- the stuck truck was a bunch of yahoo good ole boys who thought there ford could go anywhere. they were very lucky that we showed up. the driver laughed that there was no way a jeep could pull him out. he was about to make the loooong walk out and was very happy to get his truck rescued.
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Scenic WonderRunner

It's nice that the poor rock family can still have smiles on their faces after so much trouble!

They must be very good natured!



Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I love that area. As soon as it heats up I'm going to head over near there to do some fishing... i.e. drinking and relaxing. :REOutIceFishing:


Expedition Leader
right-on soaz me too,,,,

bootcamp was the old hot tub visible still or is it completely buried in that sandbar?, last time i saw it it was almost under the bridge on the west'ish side of the river

sgt rock


never checked for the "mystery" hot tub. i saw it years ago but this time i was day dreaming of when i would take a canoe from camp verde to the dam.

the road was not as bad as years ago. entered on 7 springs road and left on bloody basin. only rocks that would slow you down were the last few miles heading to sheep crossing.

many years ago i never saw anyone on my trip. lots of backroad travelers on this road trip.

bad thing being with a large group was many bladder breaks along the way- made the trip very long.


I haven't been out there in years! I had heard that the river crossing at the bridge was no longer passable, but that sounds just crazy to me. Is it true?


Expedition Leader
viatierra said:
I haven't been out there in years! I had heard that the river crossing at the bridge was no longer passable, but that sounds just crazy to me. Is it true?
Well, let's go check it out soon, eh?

What was the tire pressure like for that dude in the Ford pick up?

azbootcamp said:
. . . many bladder breaks along the way- made the trip very long.
Adopt the pirate's code: he who falls behind gets left behind. It's really more like a guideline.


azbootcamp said:
The story behind this picture was a family of moving rocks that were heading from the water to there home. The driver of the JK was backing up and did not notice them from behind. Father rock got stuck under the Jeep and was extricated from his pinned position from a great team that goes by the Rock Rescue Squad.

First aid was given to the grateful rock and they continued on there migration journey to Death Valley Racetrack.



How did you make those pictures?
Those are great.

Id frame them and put them on the wall.


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
articulate said:
Well, let's go check it out soon, eh?

What was the tire pressure like for that dude in the Ford pick up?

Adopt the pirate's code: he who falls behind gets left behind. It's really more like a guideline.

Nice! Haha! I think a sheep bridge trip with a camping night would be cool. I know of a road to access the river just up from the sheep bridge with less people, bud light cans etc. :REExeSwimmingHL:


Expedition Leader
bootcamp not sure what you mean by "mystery" hot tub maybe i confused ya. what i was referring to was the original concrete tub the sheep rancher made in the 30's, it got washed out of its "place" during the big rains and floods a few years back and ended up in the river, used to be able to see it under water from the bridge.

there was a blue tarp laid in the depression to catch the hot spring water for a while and now some one took out a 7 man jaccuzi and put it in the ground for the new hot tub. its pretty cool.

i usually cross the river near horseshoe lake and go up the backside to sheep bridge, really cuts off alot of time and that long dirt road.

soaz does the rd you know go by that airstrip? thats a pretty good camping spot for a group, also could take the rd all the way to childs, nice camping there too.

the river cross at the bridge has a very deep channel through it now, or it did last time i tried it.
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Expedition Leader
phil the original concrete bathtub sized one was there and full of running hot water up till the big flood of,,,, '04? i think. its the one i always used when i went there. the steel one was installed below the original about 20ft and was a rusted out hulk of itself for a long time and is also now gone i believe but i didnt pay much attention to it.

my son wants to go fishing this w/e so i do believe i will make a run to the area and visit a few great fishin spots.

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