The EEXP is Born

Exploring Elements

Supporting Sponsor
Thanks Titanpat57. Should have it "done" by Overland Expo in May and then have some big travel plans for it. Hopefully make some of the Fall VT events.

The 800 mile range is a number that I have derived from many RTW overland friends Foster Huntington, based on required range in countries like Russia, Mongolia and Australia. I'm building this rig to take me just about anywhere. My guess is that I'll need to carry 53+ gallons of diesel. Stock tank is 32 gallons. I'll have one jerry can for sure, and working on fitting an auxiliary tank where the spare tire usually resides.


Rock hound
If that truck is an auto like mine, check the rear differential size. If it is a Dana 70, you may want to find a dana 80 somewhere and swap that in. D70s are notorious for breaking the ring and pinion I am experiencing now.


Rock hound
Also, make sure to address your lift pump. In the second gen 98.5-2002 they had the VP-44 injection pump which is lubricated by diesel. So, if(no...when) your lift pump fails it will starve your VP-44, causing failure...which is a very pricey part.
Food for thought!
Best of luck in your travels. These dodges are very reliable and fairly fuel efficient after you get all their issues resolved.

Exploring Elements

Supporting Sponsor
I do have a Dana 70 in the rear and 60 up front on this truck. I'd love to swap it out, but its not in the budget right now. LOTS of dream parts and upgrades I'd like to put on this rig!

The lift pump upgrade is also something I'm going to have to do, but just can't swing it right now. Hoping to do it before the end of the year.

The build has been a struggle so far. The camper design has been changed LOTS of times in order to find the best balance of what I need, what I want, what Sarah (my girlfriend) wants, able to fit into a shipping container and all the other requirements I have. The base truck has also been a bit of a nightmare. LOTS of rust! By the time I'm done I'm basically going to have a new truck under an awesome custom camper.

Onward and upward! This thing is going to be amazing and ready to rock for Overland Expo.

I'll keep this thread going as updates are posted, but you can also follow all the awesome Here:


The hard work will pay off in the end because you will be intimate inside and out with your ride, bummer about the rust, but it was an East Coast truck! It will pan out and I know you'll be stoked on the road! Can't wait to see it at Expo!


I've had a $160 Airtex lift pump in mine for over a year towing 12,000lbs over 8,000 miles last year. Lift pump holds 12 psi at WOT no problem. Just get a fuel pressure gauge. You're not towing heavy, and if the truck isnt running an aggressive programmer, you don't need a high end lift pump that puts out 100gph flow, it's just overkill.

Nice idea, looking forward to the finished product. I'm making a custom flat bed for my truck this summer, then the following making a pop up for the flat bed.


Well-known member
Seriously, address the lift pump NOW, before you have a problem because the few hundred you spend now will save you thousands in the long run. Price what rebuilding your injector pump costs.

Exploring Elements

Supporting Sponsor
Sorry I've been quiet on here, but LOTS going down and no time to do it. The rig will be finished for Expo, but its going to be tight. Working 10-16hrs a day 7 days a week for over 6 weeks now. There have been four major areas of work for me in this time frame: design, work at XP, work on the EEXP camper and work on the EEXP truck.

The design has changed so many times I lost count a long time ago. Everything really is a compromise and every little thing effects everything else. Things are slowly falling into place in this department.

I've also been working hard to help out Marc, Toni and the crew at XPCamper in what ever way I can, as that means they have more time to work on my camper. They are crazy busy here at the shop building LOTS of new campers. Besides general labor I also recently helped them with some of the copy and pics on the new website. Check out the new look of, I think it is coming together nicely and lets you know what the company is all about much quicker than the old site.

The EEXP camper is starting to take shape. It is a good looking structure right now with just the roof and the interior, and a ton of finish work, to complete before it can be fitted to the truck and the work on the pass through, stairs, mounting system, rear bumper etc... can be finalized. LOTS to still do on this front, but the crew here at XP are rockstars and will get it done, and done right. Sorry no pics at this time, but soon I promise :)

My main work has been centered around getting the base 2001 Dodge Ram diesel sorted. It was a bit of a rust bucket when I got it, but it has cleaned up real nice, the body is in very clean shape and the mechanicals are finally getting sorted. It is fighting me all the way and has caused all kinds of frustrations, as I'm really not a mechanic, but it is going to be way better than new when I'm done with it.

The final thing I've been dialing in is the great support by some of the top companies in the industry. I've got some amazing high quality products going onto this rig due to the consideration of some truly great companies. Right now they include: XPCamper, Go Sol, Buckstop, Warn, General Tire, Xplore Baja, Hellwig, Hi-Lift, Edge Products, Maxtrax, ARB, Canby Signs & Graphics, RotoPax, Icon Vehicle Dynamics and the list is growing every day.

Please be sure to check out the EEXP page on Exploring Elements to stay up to date with this build. Also follow along on the Exploring Elements FB page and Instagram, which has the most up to date and cool pics.

I have some pics to add here, but the uploader has been having issues on my machine. I'll try again later.


West slope, N. Ser. Nev.
It was good to meet and talk to you today. You are in the assemble parts/re-build stage with the basic truck and the box of your EEXP is in one piece, if not with many accoutrements.
For your fans out there his truck is an '01 CTD, Auto trans, D70 rr end, with the camper package. My '01 camper package with the 6 speed/HO engine, Dana 80 w 35 spline axles denotes Dodge's defacto foray into a SRW one ton market in '01. They just failed to tell you that, and they had those lightweight little tires and the 8800 GVW designation, but all the parts with the NV5600, HO version were the same as a one ton, part for part. (yes, a one ton duallie had hub extensions on all four axle ends for the duallie deep back spacing, and the rr axle was a little wider than the SRW to clear the springs.)
Bryon's rig should be a very narrow nitch show stopper if he actually gets it together for EXPO 2014, now only a month away?
He does have a pile of aftermarket parts.
I live about 4 miles from Marc, the XPcamper dude and I went to the old assembly plant in Grass Valley and they weren't there! I had to call them to find out they had moved a block away to a BIG warehouse where a half dozen workers were busy in various stages of assembly, not only Bryon's rig, but three or four others that I could see. What impressed me was the time and money it took to assemble the 'tray' or flatbed. That thing is built like a Panzer, with a pivoting aluminum tray with all counter sunk screws with lots of technology going down.

regards, as always, jefe

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