Grace and Peace to you from our Lord and Savior ************************.
With my recent trip to Mojave Road seen here: I wanted to keep the momentum rolling. A trip to Death Valley seemed very appropriate especially after reading Cap510's thread on planning a trip with the Monetero guys for President's Weekend. Knowing that my wife and I really wanted to cover all the tourist traps in Death Valley, Cap510's route seemed a bit out of range for the things we wanted to see, but we could certainly spot them or meet up with them at some point.
My plan was to cover a few points that seemed photo worthy. For our trip Furnace Creek, Scotty's Castle, The Grandstands, The Race Track, and Saline Valley, seemed perfect. The route was very straight forward and covered a good combo of dirt and tarmac; it even allowed a Saturday night campout with the others near Furnace Creek Saturday.
We left our "Early" (0930) Saturday morning from our place in Orange, CA and after stopping for breakfast we hit the highway. Photo opportunities of the fantastic traffic and concrete jungles of the Southern California abounded (which is why the camera stayed in the bag - LOL). We opted to do the 15 North with a turn off in Baker on to the 127 West to the 190. I can assure you while I didn't take any photos up to this point, you're missing absolutely nothing. Along the way, I was getting periodic notifications on the thread the others had going for Cap510's group. The night before they were not able to make it to their anticipated camping spot / checkpoints. Jason (Torquey) kept me posted and even pm'd his number to me so I could connect with them when we arrived.
Furnace Creek arrived around 1500 that day and after reading an update that a small portion of the group had decided to head up Echo Canyon to camp, we refueled, rehydrated and hit the trail toward Echo Canyon to meet up with them in time for dinner. Regulations in the park advise camping in remote locations needs to occur no closer than 2 miles off the road. I fully expected to see them at the 2.1 mile mark. I was wrong, we found them nearly 10 miles up the canyon. Nevertheless it was a brilliant location with obvious history involved.
Here is the majority of the group from high atop one of the closer hills in the valley. You can make out a couple of the more obvious historic structures both in the foreground on the lower left and the middle right.
The other more prominent structures near the obvious camp below the mining holes
I was frantic to capture some photos before loosing the light behind the hill. Here are those images (I apologize for not naming people's rigs, as I have a pretty bad memory)
Pretty sure this one belongs to Dimetry (<<-- Sorry about the spelling)
One of my favorite shots of the weekend
Torquey's Cabin - big enough to park his Toyota in!!
Dinner time!!
Speaking of dinner, Melody and I had planned on eating at the restaurant in Furnace Creek, figuring we would be camped close enough to walk over, so we didn't really bring dinner to cook for Saturday night. Tyson to the rescue. His daughter came over as we were setting up our camp to offer steak and beef Stroganoff - mmm how could we pass that up?? Thanks Buddy!!!
Saturday night was a "Festive" atmosphere. I chose to leave the camera packed away to avoid "Evidence" and decided to just mingle with the great people of Portal. The temps were cold enough to warrant a campfire (which is always mandatory in my camping itinerary). The rest of the group Cap510 and others showed up shortly after dinner and they had firewood. After they all set up their camps and had dinner, I decided to move over to their camp and socialize with them for a while. Melody headed to bed around 2100 and I followed about an hour later. Overnight the winds whipped and flattened our "Facilities" as I was lazy and didn't tie it down, however we had no hazardous material clean up
Morning came too early for me and Melody forgot to pack our coffee cups. After scrounging one up for me, she made my favorite camping coffee (Starbucks Via) and I mingled around while enjoying my bean juice. Melody and I packed pretty quickly as we had a long day of travels ahead, with lots of sight-seeing to do. We said by to the Portal crew, half of whom hadn't even started to break camp yet, and headed back down Echo Canyon toward 190. Next stop Scotty's Castle!!!
It was somewhat overcast that morning. With the sunlight lacking the colors of the valley were not real prominent, so the camera stayed in the pack until we arrived at the Castle. We had heard mixed reviews about the place, some saying it was worth every bit of the cost of the tours and others saying don't waste the drive time to get to it, find something better. We wanted to see for ourself and we both agreed, it was worth the trip. We opted not to pay for the tours, as they are kind of on the expensive side and you can read all about the place in the info center. I could have spent more time there taking photos. Here are the best shots I ended up with.
The clock tower in the background with the trees of the ground in the foreground where we had our picnic lunch prior to "touring" the grounds on our own. It had a Westminster movement (chimes on the quarter hour) event though the hands were incorrect the chimes were on time LOL.
The detail on the clock was impressive
We walked up to the top of the Power House by way of a great exterior staircase that had trademark period features
Arches abound the castle, as did the rod iron accents
to be continued…..
With my recent trip to Mojave Road seen here: I wanted to keep the momentum rolling. A trip to Death Valley seemed very appropriate especially after reading Cap510's thread on planning a trip with the Monetero guys for President's Weekend. Knowing that my wife and I really wanted to cover all the tourist traps in Death Valley, Cap510's route seemed a bit out of range for the things we wanted to see, but we could certainly spot them or meet up with them at some point.
My plan was to cover a few points that seemed photo worthy. For our trip Furnace Creek, Scotty's Castle, The Grandstands, The Race Track, and Saline Valley, seemed perfect. The route was very straight forward and covered a good combo of dirt and tarmac; it even allowed a Saturday night campout with the others near Furnace Creek Saturday.
We left our "Early" (0930) Saturday morning from our place in Orange, CA and after stopping for breakfast we hit the highway. Photo opportunities of the fantastic traffic and concrete jungles of the Southern California abounded (which is why the camera stayed in the bag - LOL). We opted to do the 15 North with a turn off in Baker on to the 127 West to the 190. I can assure you while I didn't take any photos up to this point, you're missing absolutely nothing. Along the way, I was getting periodic notifications on the thread the others had going for Cap510's group. The night before they were not able to make it to their anticipated camping spot / checkpoints. Jason (Torquey) kept me posted and even pm'd his number to me so I could connect with them when we arrived.
Furnace Creek arrived around 1500 that day and after reading an update that a small portion of the group had decided to head up Echo Canyon to camp, we refueled, rehydrated and hit the trail toward Echo Canyon to meet up with them in time for dinner. Regulations in the park advise camping in remote locations needs to occur no closer than 2 miles off the road. I fully expected to see them at the 2.1 mile mark. I was wrong, we found them nearly 10 miles up the canyon. Nevertheless it was a brilliant location with obvious history involved.
Here is the majority of the group from high atop one of the closer hills in the valley. You can make out a couple of the more obvious historic structures both in the foreground on the lower left and the middle right.

The other more prominent structures near the obvious camp below the mining holes

I was frantic to capture some photos before loosing the light behind the hill. Here are those images (I apologize for not naming people's rigs, as I have a pretty bad memory)
Pretty sure this one belongs to Dimetry (<<-- Sorry about the spelling)

One of my favorite shots of the weekend

Torquey's Cabin - big enough to park his Toyota in!!

Dinner time!!

Speaking of dinner, Melody and I had planned on eating at the restaurant in Furnace Creek, figuring we would be camped close enough to walk over, so we didn't really bring dinner to cook for Saturday night. Tyson to the rescue. His daughter came over as we were setting up our camp to offer steak and beef Stroganoff - mmm how could we pass that up?? Thanks Buddy!!!
Saturday night was a "Festive" atmosphere. I chose to leave the camera packed away to avoid "Evidence" and decided to just mingle with the great people of Portal. The temps were cold enough to warrant a campfire (which is always mandatory in my camping itinerary). The rest of the group Cap510 and others showed up shortly after dinner and they had firewood. After they all set up their camps and had dinner, I decided to move over to their camp and socialize with them for a while. Melody headed to bed around 2100 and I followed about an hour later. Overnight the winds whipped and flattened our "Facilities" as I was lazy and didn't tie it down, however we had no hazardous material clean up
Morning came too early for me and Melody forgot to pack our coffee cups. After scrounging one up for me, she made my favorite camping coffee (Starbucks Via) and I mingled around while enjoying my bean juice. Melody and I packed pretty quickly as we had a long day of travels ahead, with lots of sight-seeing to do. We said by to the Portal crew, half of whom hadn't even started to break camp yet, and headed back down Echo Canyon toward 190. Next stop Scotty's Castle!!!
It was somewhat overcast that morning. With the sunlight lacking the colors of the valley were not real prominent, so the camera stayed in the pack until we arrived at the Castle. We had heard mixed reviews about the place, some saying it was worth every bit of the cost of the tours and others saying don't waste the drive time to get to it, find something better. We wanted to see for ourself and we both agreed, it was worth the trip. We opted not to pay for the tours, as they are kind of on the expensive side and you can read all about the place in the info center. I could have spent more time there taking photos. Here are the best shots I ended up with.
The clock tower in the background with the trees of the ground in the foreground where we had our picnic lunch prior to "touring" the grounds on our own. It had a Westminster movement (chimes on the quarter hour) event though the hands were incorrect the chimes were on time LOL.

The detail on the clock was impressive

We walked up to the top of the Power House by way of a great exterior staircase that had trademark period features

Arches abound the castle, as did the rod iron accents

to be continued…..