Earn Your Favorite Charity $100-$1000


As some of you know I'm working on selling my Land Rover Defender 110. Noted in the ad is my offer to donate 18% of the sale price to charity. And this is where I'd like some help.

I'd like help in picking charities to donate to. To this end I'm opening up to request from all of you.

It's simple; write up a paragraph describing what your favorite charity does and why I should donate. Post that paragraph here. I'll then pick 10 charities from the list and send each $100 when the truck sells. (I'm posting this request in multiple places and that's why I'm only picking 10 from each.)

BONUS!! If you help me sell the truck by sending me a lead (PM/email me or have the prospect mention your name) that turns into a sale, I'll donate an extra $1000 to your favorite charity as long as you've already posted it on this thread.

I'm also doing this because I think it's good for us all to get exposure to different charities once in a while.


Great idea. I respectfully submit:

Wounded Marines Program (A non-profit 503(c) charity) which helps aid Marines and FMF Navy Corpsmen wounded in action. The Marines Helping Marines, Wounded Marines program was established in the Spring of 2003 at the Bethesda Naval Hospital to provide extensive support for injured Marine Corps personnel and Navy FMF Corpsmen returning from the war on terror in the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. Since then the program has grown to include Balboa Naval Hospital , San Diego- Brooke Army Hospital, San Antonio- Walter Reed Hospital, Washington DC and the Wounded Warrior Regiment at both Camp Pendleton and Camp LeJeune.

This is the charity that proceeds from the 2nd Annual Major Megan McClung Memorial Run (www.mcclungrun.com) held at Oak Harbor NAS, Whidby Island WA, go towards.

Supporting those that answer the call to go in harms way deserves support. It is in their service all we call freedom is protected.

Therefore, I humbly submit the Wounded Marines Program in memory of my sister Megan for your consideration.


A great organization - Compas de Nicaragua

My girlfriend and I are on an expedition to Nicaragua to work with an organization called Compas de Nicaragua. Its a very small grassroots organization; one of the Project Coordinators is a friend from New Hampshire that married a local Nicaraguan woman, and they have been living there for a long time now helping in a few different areas but mostly around the capital, Managua. They mainly work with a group of women called "Mujeres en Accion" (Women in Action) that live just off Lake Managua, which is one of the most polluted in the world. Basically the women live in tin shacks just off the lake on "unowned land" and are just trying to create a higher standard of living for their families. They work together and have created a sort of community center where they can leave their children and go work for the day; mainly either on the streets or in factories, neither of which pay much. Compas has a sustainable garden program, small micro lending project, limited English courses for the women and children, and a few other sustainable energy projects going that i know of, all pretty small scale. The group is doing well though; just recently they got off a trip to the US where they perform traditional dance, showcase their gourd art, and speak of their experiences at churches, schools, etc.

I think its important to look for these kind of organizations because they are based in the community being helped, which to me means they have a genuine stake in the success of these programs and they know better than anyone what will and does work; they can never fail, because they will never leave. Furthermore, as a small organization its so hard for them to get anywhere near the aid that some of the really big groups do. Compas is an excellent organization - while so many organizations mean well, far too often they do more harm then good and that's why we have dedicated so much of our time and energy to helping this one.

So there it is, good luck selling the truck and thanks for doing good things with some of your precious money, that's awesome! Take care and enjoy the time man. :clapsmile

Troy & Jessica


Troy and Jessica,
Thanks for the input!

The truck is still for sale and the price has been reduced to $50K!


Hope Rescue Gospel Mission
My brother has been working with the homeless for years, he was homeless most of his life and suffered from addiction. Helping people less fortunate is not just his "job", he literally gives people the shirt of his back. He has an ambitious plan to create a rescue mission in Madison, WI.

He has an older website at: www.homelessoutreachpreventioneffort.com


Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation

This is one of our favorite charities. From their web site:

The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a shiny new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to needy youngsters that will motivate them to grow into responsible, productive, patriotic citizens and community leaders.

The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help needy children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation's most valuable natural resources - our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.

The principal Toys for Tots activities which take place each year are the collection and distribution of toys in the communities in which a Marine Corps Reserve Unit is located and in communities without a Reserve Unit that has a Marine Corps League Detachment or group of men and women, generally veteran Marines, authorized by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation to conduct a local Toys for Tots campaign. Local Toys for Tots Campaign Coordinators conduct an array of activities throughout the year, which include golf tournaments, foot races, bicycle races and other purely voluntary events designed to increase interest in Toys for Tots, and concurrently generate toy and monetary donations.


First, thank you to those who responded! I had only heard of Toys for Tots before this thread and I always like hearing of the different organizations out there.

The truck was sold earlier this month for $45,000! I am still honoring my original intent of donating 18%, or $8100, of that and will be sending donations to the four charities listed here this week. While I'm not dividing the $8100 by four, the donations will be sizable and I hope to get the amounts matched by a corporation if possible.

With the rest, I plan to donate directly to an individual with a unique concept to help others and the world around them. More details on that next week on Twitter, just follow pwcarey for more info(sorry you have to put up with my other ramble until the announcement.)
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PS, I'm not accepting any more suggestions through this thread just to keep myself sane. Thanks to those who participated!

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