Why does "size matter" in N.America???


Expedition Leader
To me a Tacoma is a 4wd car. It minus well be a Subaru Outback or Forester. A Tacoma couldn't even carry my tool box, let alone actually haul my cargo. My trailer would snap it's poor rusty frame in half. Also I can't get into a Taco without kneeing the steering wheel hard. Would it kill them to offer a tilt wheel I could tilt out of the way when I park??? Nothing's more fun than walking around ...with a sore knee from the Toyota ...

This! Even though I am currently a VLA (Very Large American), moving to a third world country and/or dumping my high stress day job and loosing some girth will still not make me any less tall. I'd love to be able to use a Taco or 4Runner, but they are miniscule in interior proportions.

OP: Your rant gets a 6/10. Entertaining for sure, but lumps too many good people into a bad catagory. And not enough pics.


SE Expedition Society

Come on.....I know we are talking oil, but this thread is really about consumption and the bashing of America because we are evil and consume..according to the ROW.

In regards to the BP oil spill...lots of details got silent....see below for an example. There are hundreds of gallons of oil that naturally flows into the Gulf of Mexico every year.

A couple of days ago I posted about BP and the federal government having trouble finding oil in the gulf to clean up. The oil has been “reabsorbed into the environment” reported ABC News. “[It's] mother nature doing her job,” said an environmental professor from Louisiana State University.


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Why the dog piling on Saiyan? I doubt he's a card-carrying, profit-disparaging member of the communist party. I'm also sure that the vast majority of people he works with are great folks who want to leave the planet cleaner for their kids and grandkids. I also assume he knows more about his industry then I do (I really hope that's the case). But, let's face it, there are ************** in every segment of the population and in every industry. The oil industry is no exception and the very nature of their work (drilling, refining, chemical storage/transport) tends to be dirty and loaded with risk. Every foul up garners extra media attention, more so because it's "big oil" than because of the actual damage.

One of the biggest groundwater contaminators in my hometown was a mom and pop dry cleaner, which spent decades dumping chemicals into a floor drain that flowed into their septic system. Are all dry cleaners bad because one was doing something bad...no! The same with average joe oil worker. I took Saiyan's point simply as an acknowledgment that the industry has issues. Doesn't it? Which one doesn't?

Sure, Mother Nature has a way of coping with things like petroleum. The collections from naturally-occurring ocean-bottom seepage washes ashore all the time in California and elsewhere. Not surprisingly, the swamps in southern Louisiana thrived before we started "protecting" them. The natural bacteria in those areas thrives on organics, such as decomposing waste. Mother Nature is awesome and will establish an equilibrium (eventually). Doesn't mean I want some *** clown dumping a couple of gallons of 30W into a pristine Colorado stream because "Mother Nature will take care of it."


You have raised an interesting point.

Your father tows a trailer with a Kubuta in the bed which i am sure is close to the maximum legal GCVW rating for a Jeep XJ. i would dare point out that likely this is having a significant effect on the operational characteristics of said Jeep XJ. in my opinion this is just plain dangerous.

Anyway, I recently had to buy a larger North American sport utility vehicle because the offshore sport utes are just too small to safely and comfortably transport my family. I went from a Montero that seats up to 7 Japanese people to a Ford Expedition that now can accommodate 8 North American size people. For example, we took the kids to see Santa and get the picture done. The grandparents wanted to come along so all 6 of us piled into the Expedition together and completed the task in comfort and safety. With the older Montero we would have had to take two seperate vehicles and my family would have been cramped into the small Japanese SUV.

I was considering a large crew cab truck because it could be one vehicle that can do anything I need to do but it wouldn't be practical for the wife to use around town. We just didn't need something that big and I already have a half ton work truck.


SE Expedition Society
How do you know? Lots of Americans hate private companies to thrive and make profits. It is clearly displayed everyday in this country. The same person that bitches about the price of gas, will go into the same gas station and buy a gallon of milk, or baby diapers or a bottle of water. No issues supporting big diapers, big milk or big water. And oil is essential in everyone of those products.

America is a great country and still a shining light on the hill......yes we drive big trucks and yes we use oil, but we also are a proud and resourceful people. And we have done more to make the world a better place than any country in history.

Off my soapbox....


I certainly do not hate businesses for making profits, I support the capitalist model and am in no way a "spread the wealth" kind of person. My family was supported by my dad's business growing up so I know the value of that first hand. Where I draw the line is at companies who take advantage of consumers just because they can. The medical, pharmaceutical, and oil industries come to mind here.

And I do agree with Scootr29's comments about our great country and what it has meant to the world since it's inception. It is the people who make it great whether they drive a Prius or an F650, whether they work for Greenpeace or Chevron.


Long wheel base vehicles tow things better. The longer the wheel base, the taller the vehicle needs to be to maintain break over angle. I have a lifted truck because I have things to tow, I enjoy driving offroad and my boss never asks me if I can make it out of my driveway during a blizzard. I use my vehicles.

Last time I was in CA the worst drivers on the road were driving import cars with spoilers and exhaust tips.

Try to wrap your inquiring minds around these... Why do I have 4wd when I don't use it every day? Why do I enjoy driving a car with seat belts and airbags when my chances of using them are small? Why do I have 9k winch on a vehicle that weighs 3k lbs? Why do I buy hiking boots to go on a hike when regular shoes could probably get me there?

This is a community of vehicle dependant Travel enthusiasts. Perhaps, if you hate vehicles and would rather talk about your theories on male anatomy, you are in the wrong place.



While some of our friends have issues with what some americans drive and the lack of respect for from others; let us remember that in this country we have always had the privelage and the freedom to do what we want, go where we want and to be different, and our vehicles are sometimes the expression of that. Most americans don't want to lose those freedoms or become bogged down by political ramblings and personal dictates like we see in other lands. So when I look in the mirror and see somebody driving like a wildman, I just pull my little full-size F150 4x4 over and let him go. It's better that way than getting passed by another vehicle that looks just like yours because the socialist goverment says the only thing you can change from the factory is the paint or the tires (which must be the same size as those from the Mfr!). Look at the changes in freedoms in the last 25 years and you will know what I mean.


Geez, I can see points to both sides of this issue

I tend to like smaller vehicles and at 6'7", I am a big guy. My first pickup was a Morris Minor PU that would fit in the back of a full sized truck, but it was a lot of fun to drive. Since those early years, I have move from the city to the country (ranch country) and saw the real need for full size trucks. Every ranch had 4X4 pickups and we used them daily. They either towed a stock trailer or had a rack on the back of the PU that would haul a horse or two.

Since the above time, I am again in a town, but much smaller than the Bay Area of CA. And here I see a lot of very modified 4X4 pickups but when I go off road, I never see them. I don't really care what someone drives, but it does seem somewhat silly to be driving something so large when it is only used as a daily runner in town. It seems that folks here in the States want to be styling and make a statement with their vehicle. I believe that other countries would do the same if they could but due to fuel costs and government restrictions, they cannot. They are probably better off for that.

In addition to my 06 Tacoma, I also have a 1971 F 250 4X4 that I have had for 15 years and I do not plan on selling it. I don't use it very often but I still like taking it out and camping with it, and everytime I work on it, I admire it's simplicity. For me; I want a vehicle that can do a lot of things fairly well. I like being able to drive to where I am going to tour. Most of the folks in the off road club that I am in, has to trailer their rig to where we are going or they only do runs that are very close to home. The Tacoma is a tool to get me out into the outback. There is a lot of wonderful country to see and I want to see as much as I can and get out as often as I can. We all have different comfort levels. I used to be perfectly happy carrying enough gear on my bicycle to live for a month or more. Now I use the Tacoma and an AT trailer. So I guess that I am as guilty as most in wanting to have it all.
I find it kind of funny that someone justifying their reason for owning a large vehicle would be for cruising at 85 mph while towing a 5k trailer, and family safety. Not trying to start anything, just assuming towing something at 85 is not a very safe idea. You know, dealing with mergers who do not yield, wild animals, bridge jumpers, etc... Forgetting that the trailer tires are from what I've encountered only good for about 65 mph. (I know people use regular vehicle tires in 10 ply) Just trying to get some dialogue going. New thread or existing thread perhaps?


Expedition Leader
Thanks to everyone for keeping this discussion relatively civil.
The original post was provocative, and a few of the replies were
defensive, but "Everyting is irie, mon."


I also have a 1971 F 250 4X4 that I have had for 15 years and I do not plan on selling it... I admire it's simplicity.

This becomes more and more of a factor for me. The newer vehicles get, the more I like the older ones. TPMS, VSC, DAC, Self parking. Geez, what does it need me for? At least when the old ones don't start, I know to pop the distributor cap and change out the $5 condenser. Beats the heck out of interrogating the computer.
I'm glad I got an '05 at least. ABS is the only mandatory acronym I got. Pretty soon, we won't even be allowed to change our own oil. (Don't tell CA.)

Toyota Tacoma, the Right Sized Truck. :ylsmoke:
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