w0mps WJ Build Thread


So after three different roof racks and a bunch of different configurations, I have finally settled on my favorite (for now). Here's the Baja Rack loaded up with my 48" Hi Lift Xtreme, ARB 1250 4 foot awning and a 4 gallon Rotopax mounted with their universal mounting plate. I was a little concerned about weight on the stock bars, but they seem to bear the load pretty well. From what I recall, they are rated to carry around 150 pounds. We'll see with the test of time! I plan on adding a 48" LED light bar up front and a couple cubes in the rear.

looks good ..if you are worried about the weight i added to more roof bars from another zj and then put my roof basket on ..i have never had any issue from weight ..you can get roof bars from any junk yard cheap..very easy to add them to your rack.


Still haven't had a chance to really "use" the awning, but last weekend I did open it up. I have to say it's super easy to setup and take down. I thought that maybe the 4' was going to be too small, but for what I need it for it's perfect! Enough to set up two chairs and a table, keep you cool in the shade or out of the rain.



were you able to get the hyper-flashing lights under control

All of the LED's work fine but I still have the hyperflash. I spliced in resistors behind the tail lights (cut into that harness) to bring them back to the hyperflash. Without those, they would just turn on and stay on, no flash at all. I'm reluctant to cut into the stock headlight harness, which is why I haven't added the resistors up front. I'm sure that would solve the hyperflash, but I've just lived with it.


Did some more paint work on the rear axle today.

New shock mounts welded on after the Rough Country relocation brackets snapped my stock ones:


Hi mister,
please could you give me info about these new shock mounts? Where you bought its? How many inc do you have gained from the originals ?



Had a great day today at the New Jersey Jeep Invasion in Wildwood, NJ. The weather could have been better, but it was still a blast! Hopefully next year I make the registration deadline so I can hang out on the beach all day with the rest of them. Stopped at a pretty cool picnic area on the way home and shot a couple of pictures of the Jeep after a full detail was done.


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