Those tall and skinny Swampers look perfect on that truck. That Awesome "109" is owned by a guy here in Oregon isn't it??? I recognize it (pretty hard to NOT recognize it isn't it) It's such a neat rig aye.
HA! If it's the truck I'm thinking of, I just saw it the other day I think (your dad's RHD). Small world aye. Did that 109 with the fabbed bed get sold??? cause I may be thinking of a different truck (although not likely) and/or I may just not be able to tell how old some of the pics I have seen of it floating around are, I thought a guy assosciated with Pangolin 4wd built it down near Eugene/Springfield.View attachment 78066
That series one now lives in Maine. (2011 winter romp pic)
From Tigard, eh? I grew up there. In fact my parents still live there, you may have seen my dad cruising around in a beat up pastel green RHD 109.
I think thats a Timm Cooper built rig?
Yep, that is indeed your dad and his rig I see around quite often... I live right by Tiedemen and Tigard St. by the rail road tracks (kinda by Fowler Middle School and on Fano Creek) and I always see him coming off of Greenburg towards my house (heading SE) all the time. Am I remembering correctly I thought I'd seen him pulling a rather *ahem* LARGE trailer for being behind a Rover (although I have no idea what's under the hood, or what the drivetrain/axles are aye)... It looked like it was pulling it OK though I thought. Maybe it was a Boat on a trailer??? Best part is I always give him a big thumbs up from my 1st Gen 4Runner and I think he's confused as to why a Toyota guy is so excited to see a series Rover HAHAHAHAHA. Such a small world aye.Yea, Timm built it, sold it to Ike, then Ike sold it to a guy in Maine.
Here is a pic of my dads 109, built by Dennis Bell. As i recall it was originally a CKD out of South Africa. Its a little rough around the edges (beat to hell).
Here is a pic from Wally Byam's book Trailer Travel. The photo caption is "Dusty Trail To Wajir" in Northern Kenya.
That Awesome "109" is owned by a guy here in Oregon isn't it??? I recognize it (pretty hard to NOT recognize it isn't it ) It's such a neat rig aye.
That series one now lives in Maine. (2011 winter romp pic)
That awesome 109" is a 107".
Thanks for the pic, I love that vehicle.
That is what they were made for aye... Last time (actually every time) we were in Scotland visiting family my dad and I went out with a family friend and helped him shore up his paddocks for his sheep. I got to drive an old 109 clapped out as can be but still running well. It was super fun and I think the guy might have thought me a bit strange seeing as I was "enjoying physical labor" but in reality I was just enjoying the old Roverthats awesome !
Back in the 70's we used to pull the doors off the 71 2a 88 and pull a hay rake with it while dad baled with the tractor got to try and find some of those old pictures.
Interesting fact, Is that because he cut it down or is that an actual Rover model like the 109??? I've never heard that before. And yeah, I LOVE that truck. I like all the trucks Pangolin has had over the years, they tend to keep trucks in their "utilitarian state" with upgrades where it counts aye. I like the skinny tire trzactor look personly so that's why I like Ike's stuff so much.
That is what they were made for aye... Last time (actually every time) we were in Scotland visiting family my dad and I went out with a family friend and helped him shore up his paddocks for his sheep. I got to drive an old 109 clapped out as can be but still running well. It was super fun and I think the guy might have thought me a bit strange seeing as I was "enjoying physical labor" but in reality I was just enjoying the old Rover... Old Rovers in Englad are like old Jeeps here except we never used them as farm impliments QUITE to the extent the english did aye