Back home, safe and sound. It was slow going, but she made it without incident. Actually, there was never the slightest hint of anything getting over normal running temps - despite it being in the 90's and having a messed up rad fan with no fan shroud!
I averaged roughly 50mph both ways all said and done. MPG on the tank to Blythe (towing an empty trailer at 2,200 lbs with about 700 lbs in the truck) was
13.40 mpg. MPG on the way back home (with the truck loaded) was
12.10 mpg (tank filled, mileage divided by gallons used each time). Most of the way back was with O/D turned off, and PWR mode. The longer/bigger climbs between Palm Springs and Blythe saw me going about 41-45mph...close to 3000rpm. I towed with the 33's...the tires on the truck I picked up didn't look, the ratchet straps BARELY fit over the 30's. I never would have been able to strap the truck on the trailer had I put my 33's on it!
Twins!!! When I got off the freeway at home just before this picture, we were behind *another* green/beige Gen2 SR!!! I tried to get a pic but my phone wouldn't cooperate.
Doubled up on the trans coolers right before I left yesterday. I will be finding a more permanent way to arrange this setup soon, I'd been meaning to do it for a while. It's just a second OEM cooler plumbed in line.